Two: A Filmilair voice

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The next morning I got up at the sound of my alarm. I only had one hour to get ready to I jumped up and got to it. I had a shower, got dressed and fed Willington. I smiled at my bunny and pet his long floppy ears. He was going to be animated into my show as a main character. My smile became wider as I thought about my show, I just couldn't wait. I decided to treat myself to my favorite coffee drink from Starbucks on the way to work. I thought to myself ' I've done so good why not reward myself?'

As soon as I walked in I was greeted my Penn and JG. "Alright Holly Berry," Penn said calling me by my nickname around the office. "My phone stayed silent all night, so please tell me yours made a noise." I wave of sorrow washed over me "Oh Penn I'm so sorry." I told him but in the end excitement overtook me and I couldn't help but burst with joy. "I got the slot! I am going to have my own show!" I squealed and JG and Penn sandwiched me in a group hug. "Holly that's amazing we are so proud of you!" JG said and Penn nodded in agreement. Then JG gave Penn a wink. An odd gesture but still this was JG we were talking about, and if you've ever seen regular show you know what I mean.

"Well I'm going to go get some work done for the newest adventure time episode." Penn said and left. JG began to escort me down a hallway where the recording studio being used was. "So Holly," JG began as we walked down the hall "How about to celebrate your show, I take you out to dinner tonight, just you and me?" I smiled, even though on the inside I felt like my heart was doing jumping jacks. JG was so sweet, and I have had this crush on him for quite sometime now. "Sure, sounds like alot of fun." I replied even though I was screaming 'yes' over and over in my mind. "awesome! so after we wrap up here?" JG asked. I nodded and together we entered the studio.

Everyone inside I basically knew accept for one man. He was dressed in a green shirt with some kind of logo on it and regular wash jeans. He had curly brown hair that very messy, and eyes who couldn't seem to make up their mind on what color they wanted to be, a dark green or a hazel with golden flecks. his mouth was curved up in a smile that gave him crinkles at the base of his eyes. He looked so filmiliar that it bugged me that I didn't know who he was.

"So, Holly you basically know everyone here accept for that one." He pointed at the man I had been observing. "That is Toby, and today he is our man with the dramatic movie voice." "Hi there." Toby said and waved. "Hi there Toby, you look so filmiliar." He acted as if he got that alot and replied "Well JG just borrowed me from Dane, I play nerville on Annoying Orange." that wasn't the explanation I was looking for, because I know I knew him from somewhere else but I just nodded "that's right, that's where I've seen you. How is Dane anyway I haven't seen him in a while." "He's good, he good." Toby replied but that was all the time we had for small talk.

Soon enough we were all in separated sound booths listening to each other and recording lines. Even Toby's dramatic movie trailer voice sound so filmiliar I could barely take it. Once we were done recording everyone wrapped it up and went home.

I went with JG and we went to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner. It was amazing, but still the thought of Toby bothered me so much that it took a lot of effort push that away and focus on JG. We still had a great time with a lot of talk about our shows and a lot of laughs.

After dinner JG took me back to my car. "I had a lot of fun tonight Holly." Walking me the short distance to my car. "I did too." I replied. "Would you like to do it again sometime?" my heart did a few jumping jacks again. I nodded "Yeah, that would be great." "Great." He said "Goodnight Holly." "Goodnight JG." and before either of us got into our cars and treated me with a soft kiss on the check.

I drove home, I could still feel his warm lips touch my left cheek. I smiled, but then the thoughts about Toby returned. "Fine." I said out loud. then in a softer voice "I'll find out where I know him from if you will just shut up." and within a few minutes the thoughts were gone I was home and laying in my bed until finally drifting to sleep

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