Five: Toby's POV: Car troubles

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I picked up JG and carried him over to the couch where I laid him down. Afterword I headed out and down the elevator. When I made it down to the parking lot I caught sight of JG's friend Holly cursing and kicking the outside of her car. I made my way over to her. "Hey there holly. Something wrong?" She sighed a frustrated sigh and replied "Hi toby, yeah my stupid car won't start." "Oh, well do you need a ride?" I blurted out without thinking about what I was saying. She smiled "A ride would be great, if you don't mind waiting for the tow truck." "I don't mind at all." So I leaned up against Holly's car and waited for the tow truck with her.

When the tow truck got there he hooked up Holly's car. While Holly gave him the address to the car place she uses I went to my car and brought it up to where Holly was. Once the tow truck was ready to go we followed it to where Holly had told the tow truck driver. After spending some time there, and learning Holly's car would probably take about a week and a half, I took her to her apartment building. She sighed and sat there for a moment before getting out of the car. Then she exited the car with me right behind her and began to make her way to her apartment building. I walked her to the main door of the building, before going inside she turned around and hugged me. "Thank you for all your help, it was really sweet of you." she told me "Its no problem." I replied then handed her a slip of paper with my phone number on it. "Just call or text me if you ever need a ride for the next week and a half." I smiled then added "and don't be afraid to abuse it." Holly smiled back and thanked me again, then she disappeared into her apartment building. I went back to my car and drove home. as soon as I got home I went to straight to sleep. I was filming annoying orange tomorrow and the last thing I needed was to not have any energy to use tomorrow.

I got a call around 6 in the morning, it was from an unknown number. I probably would of just ignored it on any other occasion, but then I remember I had given my number to Holly and it could be her. I answered the phone and sure enough it was Holly. "Good morning Toby, sorry to bother you." she said. "Good morning Holly, and you're not bothering me I was already awake. what's up?" she asked if I could take her to work today and I told her I could. Before I knew it I was ready faster than I had ever been for work before and was heading out to Holly's. I dropped her off at the building and she thanked me. Before heading to my studio lot I asked if she would want to get lunch with me. she agreed and with a smile disappeared inside. During lunch break I headed over to Holly's building. I walk inside to find her, she was talking to JG. "Sorry JG but I already told Toby I would go to lunch with him, maybe another time." I overheard her say. "It's fine." is all JG said back. I entered the room. "Hey Holly, ready to go?" "Yeah." She replied. "Hi there JG." I said acknowledging him, but he just nodded in response. Holly and I exited the building and headed to Taco Bell. This same routine continued for the whole week and a half Holly's car was in the shop. I had become so used to it that I was sort of sad when she asked me to take her to the shop to pick up her car. At the shop Holly thanked me for taking her to work. "Don't let this keep you from still asking me to lunch." she said with a wink. "I trust me I wont." I replied back. Then she unexpectedly gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left the shop. I felt a spark between us that day, I just hope she felt it too.

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