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Quick A/n: So just for an upload schedule thingie I guess so on weekdays there should be one chapter, maybe two. But on weekends definite two, maybe three.

Gladion's POV:

Lillie took her. Lillie took her. Lillie just walked into the motel and left with (name). I'm just gonna text her

Gladion:Name! Are you ok?

(Name): Yes gladion I'm fine. Lillie won't stop dragging me to stores. I don't want to be here. I'd rather catch up with all of us.

Gladion: Do you want me to come and get you?

(Name): Gladion! This is Lillie, you are not coming to get (name). Ok but if you do decide to break what I said we'll be at the Malsada shop in 10 minutes! Hau's gonna be there to!

I sighed realizing what Lillie was doing. Hau told me last month... and I'm not happy. And now they're gonna tell (name) and my sister obviously wants me to be there. I guess I should start walking there..

Time Skip

Hau's POV:

Almost there! I can't wait to see her again!!

Your POV:

Lillie went to get some Malsada's for us. I guess now I'll write a bit.

"I'm not sure why. But I've been more anxious lately and more eager to right in this. It's not because of gladion though, gladion has made my anxiety a lot better. Just with him being near me. Lillie took my phone. I think she texted gladion. I think Lillie's right... I think I like gladion-"

Lillie's POV:

"(Name)!! You like Gladion!! This is really exciting. I can't wait to be your sister in law. Oh! I wanna name the children. You should name one—"
"Lillie yes I do like Gladion. But he doesn't like me back. So stop thinking of names for children that will never happen." (Name) had a sad look on her face when she said that. You know what! I'll tell her that gladion does like her, and I'll show her the texts!
"Oh but you're wrong!" I get out my phone and show them the texts Gladion and I had the other day.
"Gladion like—"
The doors to the Malsada shop open quickly

Narrator POV:

Gladion burst open the door, dragging Hau
"Lillie. Explain to me again, how you fell for this idiot." (Name) looked at Lillie confused
"You like Hau? Why did never tell me? I told you.." (Name) said looking at Lillie. Obviously a little hurt.
"Uh(Name) Lillie is dating Hau. They've been dating since last month. I thought they where going to tell you today. But Hau said that Lillie had no intention on telling you for awhile." Gladion said
"Lillie, is that true? You where going to hide your boyfriend from me?" (Name) looked even
more hurt
"I-I mean yeah... it is. Look (name) I'm sorry.."
"I don't think so Lillie. You thought you needed to hide your boyfriend from me. I don't like Hau. I told you that months ago. I'm just gonna go. Have fun on your date Lillie." (Name) said before rushing out. Gladion glared at Lillie, letting go of Hau and walking over to her. He slammed his fists on the table
"You know what Lillie, you couldn't tell your best friend you had a boyfriend. That was obviously a stupid idea. I'm going to go look for her. But until you're ready to actually tell her about Hau, you leave her alone."

Your POV:

I sat inside the Pokémon Center. I was drinking a Roserade Tea, and was feeding my Alolan Ninetails some pokebeans. I gently pet her head before getting out my Journal.

"She didn't tell me. She didn't plan on telling me. She didn't. I thought we trusted each other no matter what. I thought we wouldn't get jealous of each other. But it's fine. I'm fine. I just need to be alone for a bit. Maybe I should just train my Pokémon for a bit. They really enjoy it. It calms me down."

Gladions POV:

Where's (name). Where is she. I will find her. Where is she? I'll just text her. Yeah I'll text her.

Gladion: (Name) are you ok?

Gladion: (name) where are you?

Gladion: (name) Lillie's not with me please tell me where you are I'm worried.

(Name): I'm walking to Route 8. I'm going to rent a room. I don't need to stay at yours again. It's ok.

"(Name!)" I called after her. She turned around and stared at me. I ran to her, and hugged her.

A/n: Hope you all enjoy. Also! 763 words!! Also follow _boss_1203_ because I'm trying to get her to update her book and she's amazing so yeah

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