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Colress POV:

If only they  knew I was trying to save them from N, he's gone sadistic over them.

Narrator POV:

Gladion and (name) got everything packed, it wasn't much, since they where both traveling sixteen and seventeen year olds.
(Name) looked down at their alolan nine tails and smiled
"It's alright Krys, we're going to another region, just to escape team Plasma." Krystal was the nickname for your ninetails, although you just called her Krys.
Gladion smiled "I won't let them get to you, now promise me this. You aren't wanted by team Galatic right?" He asked jokingly
"Well..." you said, laughing a bit at the end
"Well um kind of? I worked under them for a year and sort of left without them knowing. Heh..." Gladion face palmed
"If only I knew I was falling for a trouble maker, who else do you have problems with?"
"Not sure, but all I know is an old friend of mine is greeting us when we get there."
"Oh, who is it?" Gladion cocked his head confused
"I can't remember my name, she was like four years older then me but we where the best of friends. Gah I feel horrible, oh! Her name was Cynthia!" You smiled. Gladion nodded.
"So how'd you meet her?"
"'Not sure, Author Alexis how did I meet her??"
(Calm yo self you'll know when you meet up with her.). Gladion nodded again
"You ready, (name)? The boat is about to leave." You nodded.
The two of you walked to the docks hand in hand.
As the two of you boarded the boat, you swore you saw someone with green hair and a zoroark walk by. You shook your head shaking it off. You thought it couldn't be him, he's in unova. You put in your earbuds in and fell asleep on gladion's shoulder. He could her the faint sound of music, as you where blasting it, and fell asleep listening to it.

Time Skip

You woke up to see two familiar faces staring at you, fighting to be right in front of you.

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