Chapter 2: What the Turtles Do Now

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With the help of a little boy, a woman with red hair, April O'Neil, followed the trail that would lead to her friend that has been gone a year more than what he was told. She sliced through the vegetation until she found a gun and bent down to get a better look.

"Hello?" she called.

She looked around and noticed some of the plants were moving.

"Is anyone here? Hello?" she continued.

But one step later, she fell through a hole. She was falling through vines until she landed in someone's arms.

"It's a long way from the city to just drop in," Leonardo smirked as she looked to see who saved her.

"Leo," she said.

They soon set a fire and began to catch up with each other.

"You came all the way down here to look for me?" Leo guessed.

"Actually, I was already here on business. But then the local legend started sounding familiar, so I decided to snoop around," April explained.

"What kind of business?" Leo asked.

"Ancient artifacts. Some tycoon with too much time on his hands has his heart set on a collection of 3,000-year-old statues," she answered.

"Well, you always did run with a strange crowd, April," he chuckled.

"Yeah, well. Our strange crowd hasn't been the same without you," April confessed, making Leo look up for a minute, then she continued, "Things aren't looking so good back home."

"How bad could it be? Donnie's probably got everything under control," Leo replied.


Donatello actually didn't have everything under control at home. He became a computer expert for people to call him for any technical difficulties.

"Sir? Sir. Sir," he tried to calm down one of the people on the other line.

"Did you turn the computer on? Have you plugged it in? Yeah, that would help," he said to another.

"No, I'm not playing hard to get. I'm telling you, sir, it's not that kind of phone line," he yelled at a third.

"I'm not your enemy. I'm just Donnie, your friendly IT tech support here to help you 24 hours a day, sir. I'm sorry. Ma'am," he sighed then corrected.


"But Donnie's a genius. Why would he take a job like that?" Leo asked.

"At least he's keeping busy," April pointed out.

"Well, if he's doing that, who's keeping an eye on Mikey?" Leo wondered.

"Mike's gotten into the, um, entertainment business," April answered uncertainly.


Michelangelo parked his party wagon outside the apartment he had to be at. He put a huge turtle head on his own, a zipper on his plastron, and grabbed his nunchucks that were noodle-like.

"Yeah," he cheered then went inside.

He had everything set up and faced where the kids would be coming from.

"Happy birthday from Cowabunga Carl!" Mikey greeted.

The kids ran through the doorway and started hitting him with play weapons.

"Take it easy, little dudes. I bruise easily. Hey, black-and-blue clashes with green, dudes. Hey, that's-" he yelled while on the ground then blacked out from a hit to the face.

TMNT 2007: NightWatching Love (Raph X Jamie)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora