Chapter 2.1 - Mist Answers

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The surrounding flickered in blurs as I staggered towards the classroom. Like a ferris wheel, my head spun. Never had I expected to be so drowsy at this time since I had a deep sleep last night.Not a sole calculation could grant me a legit answer.

At last, I reached for the door knob. Class had already started as expected. Forty-one pairs of savage eyes glared at me.It was enough to scare the heck out of any student. I could collapse right on the spot. Mini trembles subjugated my legs.I ignored them and advanced to my chair that located at the back. Tall kids are always at the back.

Our crazy, old math teacher examined me more crossly. Wolf-like bulging eyes, thick red lipstick, and gleaming canine teeth, she was ready to feast on me. My classmates did the same, making me feel inferior to this dominant pack of seemingly werewolves.

Halfway across, the sharp voice croaked, “The alarm’s broken up, Mr. Stave?”

I turned around. “No, ma’am. Was just having fun in dreamland. Forgot to get the fuck off early.”

Some of my classmates gasped. It was unusual to talk back to a terror teacher.The crime was getting me into serious trouble but I couldn’t stand her tyranny anymore. If anyone was to lead a revolt, I was the first.Plus, being in a snoozy state contributed to my action.Troll with the drunk, not with somebody who just woke up.

Besides, I didn’t care what she’d feel or how she’d react anyway. I’ve had enough.

The witch raised an indignant brow, proving my words cut through and hit the bull’s-eye.Without doubt , my poor butt would be kicked out immediately.

Instead, the old hag inhaled deeply, her cheekbones deepened. In a pacified voice, she replied,“Next time, don’t come to my class when you can’t keep a good track of time.”

Maybe she was tired, maybe she was not really evil as I thought, or maybe it was the effect of menopause but I was glad to have talked her over without harming my presence for the day’s session.Whispers buzzed everywhere. Some of my classmates grunted.Most were hostile. Consider yourself lucky today, Leonne.

Without further ado, I slouched on my chair, placed my almost-empty bag on the side, and dozed a bit.By now, the commotion had died and everybody’s attention was focused on the discussion.I was concentrating on putting my mind at ease for the purpose of relieving my imaginary chakra.

Short spasms of headaches began to occur constantly within my cranium.Bit by bit, the small eruptions of pain were bringing about the destruction of my brain.In addition to it, Trevor was still missing; his brown chair was left untouched, covered with specks of dust.

The ticking of the clock worked best to hypnotize me. Loneliness came and skyrocketed to an extreme level. It was causing the world to slow down as if the Prince of Persia’s dagger had activated. No Trevor meant nobody to talk too. I’ve never felt so alone before.

For as long as I could remember, Trevor was the only real friend I got in my whole life. True, he was not the first person I made an acquaintance with but he was undeniably the one who stuck with me. I’d never opt for anything in exchange for our friendship. Gold couldn’t pay for it─not even platinum. Simply priceless.

On the other side of the story, people whom I had crossed bloody paths with either didn’t want to hang out with me or I didn’t want to hang out with them. Being a loner, I was always mistaken for a retard. Mom and Dad were the only ones I didn’t shut the world out. Oh, let me include Trev on the short list.

“Who likes to go with that freak? It’s either you suicide or die of sincere boredom.”

“Being with him feels like you’re with a ghost. Weird tongue-tied Casper.”

“Hey dumb wit, no wonder nobody likes you. Coz’ you’re nobody.”

These were the annoying noises common from day to day in the environment. My usual response was reward them a deaf ear.The idiots thought they were flawless. They should have the notion that sounded stupid. Well, not a single human being would want to hang out with a bore like me. I knew it was also my fault because I hate to mingle with other people.

Nonetheless, whatever sulking I did would not make Trevor materialize out of thin air and appear in his chair like magic.The dude had gone MIA to be exact.A weird tingling sensation trickled down my spine.What could have cost him to be absent this long?If he was sick or had something important to do, or something bad happened, our teachers should have received an excuse letter earlier. He should have told ─

Then the thought struck me like a bolt of lightning zapped the dome of my consciousness.What if something bad actually happened to Trevor?


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