Yocantes Online - Registered Characters [Slot Full]

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Official List of Characters who were able to register and are going inside the game.

1.) Wolfbane18

2.) Cruzader56

3.) ComradeCavalry01

4.) LizzieFox

5.) pinkiepiesally

6.) XynszSparrow

7.) SimplySynical

8.) Ultima_UDC

9.) CerealKiller

10.) JennyBrown182

11.) Chancenkill

12.) IcyHeart05

13.) KhaleesiDragon625

14.) Daughter_Of_Nomad 

15.) Elemental Android

Lastly,  the GameCreator has a message for all of you.

"Don't die and welcome to Hell." *Maniacal laughter.

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