Chapter 12 - Paid A Visit

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There was a brief tugging pain in my stomach after we entered the portal. I shut my eyes off, hoping for the pain to be gone. Like a flutter of a bird’s wings, it disappeared away quickly and a dark passage dawned to me.

The smell of rotten food which drenched the rabidly foul air made me dizzy, causing me to almost drop Katherine off due to the temptation of wishing to pinch my nose. Good thing I didn’t. My reflexes actually saved me another round of scolding.

Crumbling two-story houses lined up beside the narrow path. Jumbled clotheslines in the rooftops blocked the view of the sky. Disheveled clothes hung on almost every window. Some homes must have been fortunate enough to buy pots, for some of them had plants decorating the doorways.

A vast perimeter of buildings and structures could be seen afar. By the looks of it, we were in the outskirts of a city.

Bare-footed kids in old clothes were happily chasing each other. A group of old people were watching them, amused by the cheerful laughter of the children.

I could not help it but smile too. The upbeat ambiance despite the looks of the place made me forget about the horrors I had encountered.

It assured me that even in the most hopeless situations, joy will still be present.

Katherine was really heavy to carry but I managed to walk down the pathway. A fat woman wearing a blouse with a long white skirt was sweeping the road.

“Hi,” I said, reorganizing my hold on Katherine.

The woman looked at me. Her face showed no sign of emotion. I added. “Do you know of a hospital near here?”

I received no answer but she pointed to the direction which led into the heart of the city.

“Thank you,” I smiled. She continued with her chore and ignored me completely.

Huffing, I started my way to the direction that the woman indicated. It was still a long walk.


We reached a plaza filled with carts being hauled by donkeys, stores that displayed a heap of goods, and a horde of busy people. A tall flag pole was set upright in the middle of the place. Maybe this is the marketplace.

Streams of sweat emerged and started flowing around my neck. It would’ve been such a more exhausting hassle if the sun had took seizure of the sky at the moment. Well, it was hidden perfectly behind a sheaf of cumulus clouds.  

The tons of yelling, buzzing, and chatting was getting into my nerves. Say no to noise pollution, yes to music.

People were eyeing me closely which made me feel nervous. A band of brawny men were snickering around a corner. I could hear sneers from a group of ladies nearby. The more I felt them staring, the more I huddled Katherine closer to me. I can’t blame her for being beautiful either.

I scouted around the entire vicinity but saw no hint of a medical facility anywhere. Then I caught sight of a signboard on a building; just ahead a stack of barrels. It read “Dying Travellers’ Inn”. That was certainly creepy. Hope the name’s got nothing to do with anything today.

I headed for it briskly; at the very least, glad to be away from the annoying crowd.

Termites crawling on the decayed wood around the knob were certainly unwelcoming. So much for the hospital the fat lady meant.

“Hello? Anybody home?” I called.

Moments later, the door creaked open and a skinny man in gray tuxedo and pants greeted me. “Good day, sir. How may I help you?

“I need a place to stay for─”

“You and your gorgeous girlfriend, sir?” He cut me short. His spectacles glinted as he adjusted them. “Of course we do!

“Ugh, no. She’s not my─”

“Oh, come on!” Roughly, he ushered me inside. This guy’s overflowing with weirdness. “You two can stay in Room 4. It’s upstairs.” Then he dug inside his pockets and shoved me a shining golden key.

I was extremely bothered by his odd smile. It appeared so Marcus-like; the kind of beam that one would give if he wants to kill somebody. Plus, why does it seem that he wants me inside his inn?

By now, I was getting the jitters but compelled myself to remain calm. After all, there was no choice left. Katherine needed to be attended at once.

At last, the weird man went away and I was awarded the chance to breathe normally again. His strange presence made me want to freeze my diaphragm.

I climbed the stairs. A cozy, tender bed was what I really need besides taking care of Katherine.

The soft squeaks that were given off by the slabs of wood on my every step were very annoying. The beads of sweat that soaked me earlier had already dried up.

Room 4 was located on the far end of the dusty hallway. Carefully, I put Katherine’s feet down on the floor, making her head rest on my shoulders. The monster was sleeping soundly. You know, you’re really cute when you’re sleeping ─like a baby dragon having sweet dreams.

To my frustration, the key did not fit perfectly into the small keyhole. It was jammed. I had to twist the knob violently until it finally opened.

Inside the room was a wooden bed; a pink mattress covering it. Two puffy pillows were arranged neatly  on the side. Situated next to the bed were a small metal chair and a rusted study table. A couple of worn-out books rested on top of it.

Using my final burst of strength, I heaved Katherine into the bed, causing the foam to tumble gently as she landed on it, rolling to the side.

 She was snoring softly; her mouth slightly open. I would not be surprised if her saliva would dribble at the very moment. She still looks pretty though. It would have been nice if I had a phone with me so I could take pictures of her.

She’s actually awake; she’s just trying to make you look like a derp out of you. You know her, my mind warned.

The thought immediately vanished when Katherine suddenly let out a sweet moan and turned to me. Her vanilla curls shrouded parts of her face.

Leaning forward, I placed some of her hairs behind the back of her ear in the most tender way I could. That looks better.

Then I threw my bag to the table and sat on the chair, letting my muscles and relax. I freed my mind of any worries and doubts. Withdrawing from the action was definitely a soothing remedy to problems.

Just when I was about to drift to sleep, somebody spoke, the voice came directly from the door, “We ain’t got time for rest, Leonne.”

The speaker had blood caked on his head, sliding down the side of his cheek and dripping off his bruised chin. A rusted blade was on his back. Hands remaining firmly clenched at the sides, he ignored his injuries and fixed his grim stare on me.

It was Trevor, and he had a visitor with him; a small girl carrying a winged staff and a lunchbox. 


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