Chapter 5

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3 hours later :

Payton's POV:

I woke up and my tv was on in my room I still had Luke's jersey on and I was under the covers of my bed then I felt something on my shoulder I looked and it was Luke he was sleeping I couldn't help but smile .. But that quickly went away when I felt sick I jumped up and ran for my bathroom and got sick again , and once again but this time it was sleepy sweet Luke holding my hair back . I was done and told him to bring me my pjs off the floor where I left them this morning and told him I was gonna take a 'shower . He got my stuff for me and brought it then I said "thanks Luke your the best not only have you been my best friend but now your my boyfriend and I want you to promise me tonight right here that your gonna be by my side through everything . " he smiled and said "Pay I'm going to be here forever and never let you go I swear "

Luke's POV:

Even though Payton doesn't know it I wanna make her mrs.Bryan one day and I'm going to be sure I keep her, she's my best-friend an I can't loose her at all ... And the poor girl is really sick and I'm going to stay right here and take care of her till she's all better . But I guess I should text Cal and Brant and let them know that they need to get a ride home. I click group message and Type

L: hey Cal and Brant I went home with P she has the stomach bug and I'm with her so I can't talk y'all home .

C: I'll catch a ride with Jason then

B : okay I'll get Jason to take me home too .

C : well see y'all later I will come by Pay's after work

L : okay guys see y'all later

B: I will be there after work too

Then I closed it out as Payton came out and said "what ya doing cutie" I smiled and said just texted Brant and Cal to tell them where we were and they said "get better soon and they would both be over after they were done at work " she smiled and said " oh okay then I better get some rest before they get here .. I said yea and I will be right back I'm gonna go get some cloths from my house so I can stay here till you get better if that's okay with you ? Cause I already talked to your parents and they said to ask you . "Yea that's just fine with me said Payton"

I left to get cloths from my house as Payton was drifting off to sleep as I was walking out it heard her whisper "Luke can you get me something cold " I turned and said yea I will go get some stuff and come back get some rest sweet girl .

~ I will most likely update one more time today and I will try threw out the week if I can school starts back tommorow ~ bailey

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