chapter 22

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7months later

Paytons POV:

we found out we are having a little girl and we are goin to name here Chevy Elizabeth Marie Bryan and I am really ready to get her hear and TJ is way happy and is so ready to meet his little sister her nursery is country and princess theme which is really cute cause its all purple an camo I hate the color pink so that's why her stuff is purple and not pink ! But Luke as soon as he heard that it was a girl he said I cant wait to teach her to shoot and hunt and everything ive taught her big brother and I said she is gonna be such a tomboy considering your her daddy and im her mommy ! he laughed and said yea that's the truth and look who he is related too !! im very happy with my life and wouldn't have it any other way !

Taylors pov :

We found out when I was about 3months that we where gonna have twins and we just found out that we are having a boy and a girl we are gonna name our little girl Katie Jo Aldean Williams and out son is gonna be Jacob Alexander Aldean Williams and im supper happy and everyone one else is two and kendlynn and Jackson are realy happy too . Jason said Four kids is stoping point after we found out we where gonna have twins so hey I am happy either way though .

Callie's POV:

We found out we are having a little boy and we are gonna name him Carter David Gilbert and Ella is super ready to have a brother and her daddy is just as happy as we are for carter to come !! I just cant take in the fact that my bestfriend's and I are all married and have and are having kids of our own and growing up before we know it we  are gonna be old and gray this is crazy to think of some days.

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