Chapter 13

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10 months later !

 Payton's POV: Well we have lived in Nashville for ten months now. Luke is really close to a record deal Jason got a deal and is working on his album . Callie and Brantley are still getting use to the whole parenting thing they have a little girl named Ella Marie she is so adorable, Ella is A month old and Brant  is pushing the she has to be a daddy's girl thing we all think she will be a daddy's girl , also brant and callie are engaged they are gonna wait till baby ella is one or two to get married but hey they are happy and they act like they are married anyway. Jason and Taylor are doing good and little Jackson is in Pre-school and he loves it not to say the least he is a ladies man for sure as Jason says but I guess we will find that one out one day. Luke and I are going strong our wedding is in one week and all of us are heading to Leesburg to get everything set up and I am so ready to be mrs.Bryan its not even funny anymore. We are gonna wait to have kids when we are married for about a year or longer but if we have a baby sooner so be it  its whatever is in the plan for our future and I cant wait to see what it is , I know it will be great and just to think it started from me moving next door to him and then falling in love and dateing now we are hear and I cant believe it has been 8 an half years since we started dating.

Luke's POV : So a lot has happen in ten months from my wallet being cleaned out for this wedding to my music finally taking off finally to new baby's joining our crew things have been great and I wouldn't change a single thing that has happen in the past ten months I think we all have grown very close threw everything and all of our kids will be close to Payton and I are the only ones that don't have a baby yet but we will have our time even if Jason an Tay have four more before we have one we will get our baby one day and that day cant come soon enough but hey I marry Payton in a week and we leave to go back to our Home Home tomorrow morning and I cant wait to go there and see how  the wedding stuff is comin long it will be pretty I bet cause after all it is Three girls plus mommas who decorated everything . A week wont go by fast enough will it but I better hush cause then it will be sneaking up on me next !

Taylor's POV :So we are all doing really well ... Jason and I are planning on having another kid after Jackson gets a little older and Jason's Career is more stable . I love our little family and then we have our big family of friends that we have always known .. I love that and I cant wait till Payton and Luke are married and they start a family I think they are the only ones that haven't done anything backwards yet but hey there is at least one couple in a group that aren't backwards right ? haha but I love them just as much !

Jason's POV :

    So I am workin on my first album right now but it will be on hold for a few weeks cause we are heading home for  the wedding ! Which cant get here fast enough Cause Luke is a nervous wreck and he just is ready to call her his Wife and be done with it ..  I will not be shocked if Luke says hey Man lets just get to the I do crap and cut this other stuff we country folk don't do that crap .. I Can see him now an I think I may have laughed a little cause taylor just looked at me like I was a crazy person .

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