Chapter 2 - Missing her.

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You're waiting for her. The rain was supposed to stop by now, yet it insisted to soak you while you sat impatiently on the bench. It strangely suited the way you felt. The heavy shower hit your weighed you down. Checking your watch, only a minute had ticked by. And then another. You cannot stand the wait, and check your phone to see if she had even glanced at your voicemail. No luck.

After what you did, you weren't surprised she was so angry at you. You always loved her feisty attitude, the way she would shoot you a glare if you were a tiny bit sarcastic. The way she always took things to heart, but never let it show. Or whenever she'd hold onto you for slightly longer than normal whenever she missed you.

 It had always been the little things. Because to you, she was something unique, something... Special. After all, it was her. She was the one you could never resist. The one who made you a better person every single day.

But you're sitting here in the rain. In the rain, lost in thoughts about the girl that may never walk back into your life again. The relationship you had before all of... this, had been amazing, possibly the best year you ever had. So why weren't you fighting for her?

And the most important question of all: Why didn't you see how much she meant to you before?

Released from thought, you didn't notice how blurry everything became, and you found a salty tear trickling down your cheek. "We'll be okay," you thought. At least that was what you kept telling yourself.

And then you saw her, her umbrella shading away her face. You shot up, gazing at her, though you knew she'd never look at you the way she used to ever again. Her hazel eyes met yours, but they weren't the fun, enlightening ones you remembered. They were empty as if the calm sea of maroon floating in them had bled dry.

"K..." was all you could murmur, the betrayed feeling tiding you over once again of which you had felt several times after she caught you...

"Well?" she spat, the bitterness in her voice catching you off-guard. "Tell me, then. I'm leaving you for a reason."

"It wasn't her fault, babe-" You stopped. The first couple of words and you made everything worse...

"Don't 'babe' me! The moment things got serious between us, you started seeing someone else," she growled, anger seeping through the cracks of her voice. "And to see you doing that with her... Hell, you've probably been cheating for a while now. How long, (y/n)? Four months? Five?"

"It wasn't me," you mumbled, knowing K had every right to knock you down. There wasn't even anything left after you broke what you had with her. But then if she wanted nothing to do with you, blocked all of the voicemail... "I mean, it was me, but not the 'real' me. K, why did you even decide to come here?"

The response on her hurt face said it all.

"Not the real you? Cut the crap, (y/n)," she cried, her anger converting to pain. The rain began to sting against your skin, but not as much as K's suffering stung your heart. "I came for answers! When we were together you just... Disappeared. Like it was me living on my own again. What was I supposed to do, wait around? Even when you started seeing her..."

K turned away from you, evidently in pain from her effort to find the answers she was hoping for, but didn't get. Your eyes were blurry, although you weren't sure if the rain was the reason why. Then you remember back to the memory - she was out of the house, you had nothing to do. So you took to the bar and had a few shots with a girl you had never seen before. And when things escalated from there...

The rain's shower had lightened up a little bit as K circled back around, her hand up to her mouth as an attempt to stop her sniffling. You tried to reach out to her but she swiftly stepped back out of reach, her umbrella shaking.

"K, I-I'm sorry. So, so sorry. Let's just let things go back to the way they were, huh? I miss you too much," you cried, realizing that if she left you, things wouldn't be the same at all. "Too much to let you go! I-I can change!"

K's surprisingly cold eyes met yours. "You should have changed a long time ago, (y/n). I can't forgive you for something like that! After all those years of us together and you screw it up just like that... I need to move on, (y/n). We both do."

 Only silence.

"Goodbye, (y/n)."

 And with an umbrella in hand and a heart beyond repair, the whole three years of your life begins to walk away.

Life Goes On.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora