Chapter 8 - Wake Up.

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Hey. I guess you've heard about it all, then. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now, after everything I've shared with you.

I mean, you've known me for a while now, haven't you? Stalking my life like the ticking of a clock: time in, time out, like it's all just a game to you.

I remember when you started this, how easy it was, like the click of the button. Some of us don't have it easy, like you.

Real world problems, (y/n), real ones that you wouldn't understand. It isn't fair, this place, this hell...

Don't you think I've been through enough? Maybe you do it because life here seems ever so much more... Interesting.

A lot of people have pity for me, you know. After everything you've done. "Oh K, we're so sorry to hear he cheated." "There's plenty of fish in the sea." "How has your brother been doing after..."

It never ends. And nothing has been the same. Do you think anything has changed? Anything at all? I can't even get a date with a normal guy, let alone move on completely.

Hm. Now I know what it is you're feeling. It's all flooding back to you now, isn't it? Maybe you looked back? Refreshed your mind, of the dreadful things that have happened? Good.

Very good.

But then again. You should feel horrid right now, especially after my brother drugged your drink...

You wake up. Void- Black. Pitch - Black. Nothing else; just every shade, and nothing but. The vision of K disappears, and the crack of light in the door brings you back to reality. Are you ready?

Because reality is going to be dangerous.

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