Chapter 7 - Rain.

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"T, can you help me with these boxes? It's killing me!"

He's so dreamy... Who would have thought a guy like that could be so cute?

"Are you even listening!? Take a box!"

I wonder if he'd like a waitress like me... I mean, our kids would be ador-

"Are you SERIOUSLY thinking about that boy again?" L was wobbling behind the counter, four tremendously huge boxes of fresh fish flouncing in her arms. Every time she stepped closer to the storage, a small squeak would chirp out from under the burden; T didn't notice a single thing.

"T I swear if you don't help-" All of a sudden, toppled over onto the floor, fish flailing under the counter like a tsunami. T snapped out of her thoughts, already knee deep in the fishy stench.

"Huh? L, what did you do?"

"What did I DO?" she burst out of the mess, her eyes blazing in fire. "You are cleaning this up, not me. You keep saying you want a different job, but why don't you finish this one first!"

"I-I..." By the time she had woken up from her trance, the two waitresses had attracted the attention of every guest seated in the restaurant, some glaring in disgust, some stunned with surprise. T's eyes darted over everybody's reactions with shock, though she was not embarrassed in the slightest. Until...

"Just because you keep gawking at that... That boy!"

Oh no. No no no no no no no no.

And then her eyes flickered back to his - back to the oddly handsome boy perched at table 24, his tie perfectly fit for any occasion. The one whom she had been dreaming about ever since she first got this job, the one who she knew would come and visit this area every Sunday evening. It was rare that he'd ever show up like this, it was completely out of the schedule that T had registered for him.

L realized what she had done. "Look," she hushed. "Go out around the back for a little bit. I'm sorry for being like that, it's just..."

"It's okay."

"Are you sure?" she searched her face for any frustration, and noticing there was none, she sighed with relief. "Thanks, T. I really am just stressed, that's all."

"Well take the rest of the day off," T said. A small smile crept upon her face - "I'll clear up from here and lock things up at 10."

It was almost as if a weight had been lifted from L's shoulders and then dropped back down on T's. "You really are strange sometimes , aren't you?" And with quick smile beneath her tired eyes, L thanks her fellow waitress and leaves the restaurant of fish filth, thankful that this wasn't up to her to clean up.

T's POV.

What is wrong with me? Now he's seen me, it's like I'm more distant than ever. I'm just that awkward waitress that can't do a single thing right!

And with A... I don't know how to feel anymore. Not that I felt anything for him, of course! The opportunity to feel normal again was right in front of me, like a carrot to a donkey. What else could I do? But now...

In an utter state of confusion, I kneel down to start mopping up the slippery mess I was responsible for, flicking my mouse-brown ponytail out of the way. I don't even get why I'm still even living in England - the wages are shrinking, tax is unbearable and it's obvious that I'm messing up this job. And for what? Some guy I don't even speak to. Heck, he barely knew I existed before I made a fool of myself! I guess if it ever came to it, I could move-

"Hi! You must be I?"

My ears pricked in an instant. I dropped the bag of fish and crawled over to the gap under the counter. He's never met up with someone here...

And that voice, it was clearly the voice of a girl. Wait. A girl? They had to be just friends. I mean, nothing on his facebook suggests that he has a girlfriend! Yeah, of course. I begin to convince myself that she was just another friend from his class - I think his timetable said set 1?

Look, it's normal to be curious, so why not investigate? I mean, I only visited his house a few days ago, and I managed to avoid breaking the gate lock. Curiosity isn't something that can just go away. It's like a disease; until you find the correct remedy, it gets worse and worse.

So anyway, it's not as if I stole anything! That would definitely be weird...

I hear them laughing. It was nervous laughter, but I could definitely hear that it was a laugh. I peek around the corner at them, suspicious to see what the two 'friends' were up to.

The girl who sat opposite I (that's what she called him, right?) had dressed up for the occasion. I had a dress similar to hers in my apartment actually, red silk. He looks quite flustered when listening to her, but it was almost as if he was interested in her. I could see it in the way he was looking at the strange girl - he was supposed to look at me like that. That should have been my scarlet red, silky dress. Sparkling like a ruby in the moonlight, sweeping him off his feet...

That should be ME. Not her.

My hand opened to reveal a strangled fish in my agitated palm. I pick up the bin bag and carry on with cleaning up the mess, a sharp pang of pain poking at me as I did so.

I wanted it to be me so badly. My life has been so difficult; A always used to talk about how he didn't have many friends apart from Jason, but still. I've hurt so many people, but the person I've hurt most of all has been myself. I can't stand this anymore, living a life that wants to die. Maybe... Maybe it is best if I go.

I take one last glance at I, expecting him to be having the best date (that was my conclusion) of his life. But it surprised me.

The boy was sitting there on his own, twiddling a rose in his hand of which he had plucked from the vase. His date's coat was no longer there. Neither was her dinner. His eyes looked... Sad, lonely almost. Like everything he had ever had been carried away from him in the bat of an eye. How could somebody so beautiful look so broken?

And suddenly it was raining. I can feel the droplets of water streaming down my face, soaking the hem of my apron. It felt calm, though I could sense every prick of pain Isaac was going through. It was quite peculiar.

But what was really strange was that we were inside. And there were no clouds.

Not a single one.


*Hey beautiful readers!

That was quite a rollercoaster for my emotions. WHERE ARE MY TISSUES????

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter - at first I wasn't going to carry on but several of you were desperate for another write-up (LITERALLY love you guys so much!). So yes, this series should carry on from here on out.

NOW I have a question for you wonderful readers. Would you like these chapters longer? Usually, they come up to 1000 words but I could definitely improve things for you guys! COMMENT YOUR VIEWS AND IDEAS (or private message me) because I want you as the reader to be 100% enjoying what I write for you Xx It's such a pleasure to be doing this, knowing that somebody out there is happy because of the stories I make. So thank you once again :D

But anyways, do message me your ideas for the story because it is up to YOU where you want this to go! Do you think T should meet I, and things go well? Or should something terrible go down..?

Up to you! Love you all, and stay savage ;)

- The author.

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