Chapter 6 - Do you like... Anime?

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'Everything was going to go fine... Everything will work out...'

I could sense himself hyperventilating at the table. His clammy hands were scrunched together like tissues, and in the process of calming himself down, I almost knock over an expensive vase. A very, very expensive vase. It didn't help that people were now watching him struggle in this social situation, either. Breaking that vase felt like it could be debts for life. And a proper job. And no more video games! 

 He began to hyperventilate a little more.

 I pulled a bit at his tie; the thought was quite hilarious, but still... The restaurant was a palace in disguise! He didn't actually think he'd get a date, especially being the type of nerd he thought of himself to be. In a rush, he found some random diner on his usual meme infested browser - La Pepe Sauvage, it read on the restaurant sign. How strange.

Waking up from his trance, I take a look around the diner, and began to think about his date. 'She looked too cute to match with me... Wait, am I being catfished again?' His heart instantly started hammering out of his chest again; he just wasn't thinking straight. 

Suddenly, the craving for a drink smacked him in the face. It was like the thoughts in his head had sucked all of the water in his throat dry. He eagerly started to look around to grab the attention of a waiter. After all, I was still ten minutes too early, so there was no apparent harm in having a drink or two...

And their eyes met. It was too sudden. He realized that the (oddly attractive) waiter at the serving desk had taken an interest in him for a while. The two were fixated on each other; neither could avert their gaze. Parts of the lady looked particularly familiar to I, but he couldn't quite pinpoint where-

"Hi! You must be I?"

After noticing how time had spun by, he flipped around his chair to see his date patiently perched in front of him. He froze.



"GOD!" I's thoughts exploded at the idea of actually talking to a more-than-decent looking girl for the first time. It was a marvelous feeling! Like he'd just burst into flames, flesh and all! Ha, it felt better than no-scoping!

"Um..." the girl had awkwardly taken her seat, already staring I down a small bit.

"Wait... Did I say that out loud?" I gasped.

She embroidered a grin upon her face - "You only whispered, don't worry. The whole diner totally didn't hear you," as Isaac urgently scanned the area in embarrassment. 'Five minutes into the date and you already mess up...'

"Well anyways, it's good to meet you, Isaac. Quite glad you look like your actual profile!" she exclaimed, almost as if Isaac hadn't even remotely shouted at her presence. "Some guys just tend to make things up, you know?"

I slowly nodded and began to take in her appearance. It appeared that she had her hair cut for the date - it framed her face perfectly. She wore a sleek black halter dress, revealing decent doses of her tanned skin, but not too much to keep professional. 'Wait,' he abruptly thought. 'Why did you notice that about her first? JESUS I, KEEP IT PG!'

"So what made you uh... Pick out this place to eat?" She questioned, whilst also appearing quite concerned with his choice of clothing. He assumed the date was casual, and only wore a shirt and jeans. In his defense, I had made sure there was a hilarious caption on the shirt, which took a lot of dedication. She obviously doesn't approve of quality references, I thought to himself. It wasn't his fault that she had dressed up for the occasion! 

I suddenly realized how he had forgotten to respond. 'Way to creep her out,' he thought.

"Well um... I like... Rooms a lot."

K blinked at him. In response, he squeaked a little.
'Of all the things you could have done...'

"How interesting?" A nervous laugh escaped her mouth. "It is quite a roomy place, I guess."

"Yeah... Totally. But I'm not claustrophobic or anything!" I assured her, his paranoia taking sudden control of his words.

"That's good to know..."


While an uncomfortable feeling began to hang in the air, she smoothed out her dress as she shifted her eyes around the restaurant. I could sense the conversation dying; quickly.

"So..." he stuttered as the girl awkwardly plopped her glasses back onto the rim of her nose. I could once again feel his heart throbbing out of his chest...

"D-do you... Umm..."

'Think of something to say! Anything!'

"I sort of... Uh..."

'Talk to her! She is WAITING!'

She was staring at him intently, strangely curious about what he was about to ask her...


"So!" he blurted, his face burning with exhaustion.

"Do do you like... Anime?

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