Chapter 1 ~ I'm Back

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We walked up the steps to the New York institute. The cold air pinched my cheeks and the smell of fumes and gas, once welcoming, is now making me nauseous. I follow the group up the stairs where Jessica opens the institute doors. Warm air floods around us and a scent detergent comes with it. We hurry in and I see Maryse and Robert waiting for us. Naomi was still asleep in Jessica's arms and I was holding Pickles. We already talked to Maryse and Robert about this and tey said it would be lovely to get Jace over his fear of ducks. Jace....I don't wanna see Jace again, I already had to live knowing he cheated on me. Now in the same building? Ugh, this is going to be fun. Muffin was being held by Ryan, yeah we have to hold a lot of stuff.

Suddenly Pickles flew from my arms and into the institute quacking his head off. Pickles...I swear to angel Raziel sometimes.

"PICKLES!!" Kasey screamed chasing after him, 12 year old's.

"Kasey, hurry up and get Pickles!!" I yelled at her running behind her. Pickles was now trying to fly high in the air and was climbing the stairs to the bedroom halls.

"Pickles, UGH!! I swear to Angel Raziel, oh why do I even try. You can't even understand me!!" Pickles decided this was the perfect time to start flying more down the halls. Kasey and I were screaming his name as he kept running down the freakin hall.

I finally got close enough and slid, catching pickles in the air. Ugh, relief.

"Pickles, your so goddamn lucky I'm a vegetarian." I muttered under my breath. I hear chuckling and look up to see Alec and Magnus standing there. I drop my head in the floor and sigh.

"Pickles!! I can't believe you would run off like that! And Clary, you would never."

"This duck might just tempt me, the good thing is, I don't like duck." I replied as Kasey took Pickles from my hand. She started ranting to him in Polish as I stood up. I turned to Alec and Magnus. I haven't seen them in such a long time.

"Clary!" Alec exclaimed pulling me into a hug. Well, he got friendlier. Magnus smiled at us as Alec Drew away. Magnus then proceeded and pulled me into a hug. I have missed them so much. I let to and turned to Kasey who was stroking Pickles wings.

"Kasey, this is Magnus. Magnus this is Kasey." I turned to Magnus who was shaking Kasey's hand. I glanced at Alec.

"Alec, this is Kasey and Kasey this is Alec". Alec gave her a warm smile and shook her hand. Then we heard a loud girl-like scream.

"DUCK!" Jace screamed. I let out a sigh, ducks? Afraid of ducks? Seriously? 

"Kasey, go downstairs with Pickles. Kay?" 

"Fine" Kasey mumbled and stalked away. I looked back up at the golden haired boy who's face was pale from fright. Afraid of ducks, huh. I know what's showing up in his Christmas box this year. So, I haven't really forgiven him yet.... So like yeah. I looked to Alec and Magnus, they seemed to acknowledge the tension in the air. I took a gulp. This was going to be straining. 

"Hey, Jace" I said as friendly as I could. It probably looked like I was spitting out poison because his just hung his head to the ground. I just looked blankly at him, decided he wasn't going to answer I gave a weak smile to Alec and Magnus, then turned on my heel and walked away. Well this was going t be a fun trip. 

Emily's room was next to mine and we were setting them up. I already put all my clothes away and started rearranging the furniture and throwing somethings out. Like the photos of me and Jace. I was going to the training room with Ryan in an hour, I just wanted to finish making my bed. Over the years I started having OCD, so my room is always neat and perfect. Music played softly form my computer that was open on the desk. It was 'Skinny Love' by Birdy. I kind of think that this song relates to me, I don't know why. It just does kind of. 

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