Chapter 6 ~ Only Takes Two to Tango

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I sat in bed thinking, a few days have passed and I condemned myself to my room. No one was able to get in, I just wanted to think, Magnus thought that it was the best thing to do also. The past few days all I have been is reading book after book about all of things that have happened. I could not find anything. I scratched my arm, I have a tendency to do that now, whenever I'm stressed or nervous I pick at something or scratch something. I started to pick at the little freckles that sprinkled my arm. Today was the day I am going back to Scotland to finish getting everything here and setting/attending Margot's funeral. I still feel guilty about it all and pressure myself into researching more. 

I move around my room as I quickly packed. I only had a few more things to pack, as in clothes. In Scotland I developed a more girly fashion. Which basically meant more skirts, and more flats and heels. I quickly went through my bottom drawer and found my skirts. I only had to 4 because I knew I had some still in Scotland. I put them neatly in my bag and went to my closet to get dress. Another thing I picked up in Scotland is scarves. A girl could never have to many scarves. I had a rack of scarves in my closet and more in Scotland. I found a blue scarf that had different patterns on it and a white blouse that had dark brown buttons at the top. It went down to my elbow and I got a dark wash pair of jeans with holes in them. I put on a pair of combat boots and put on two pairs of earrings. I had another piercing on my ear, right above the other one. I had ice blue roses and pearls accessorizing my ears. I put on a bracelet and zipped my bag up. I was ready to head back to Scotland. I was the only one going because Emily, Michael, and Ryan were already over there. Kasey, Jessica, and Max were staying here until the funeral date and then going back that day as the rest of us after the funeral, including Kasey, are staying in Scotland for a few more days. Just to say goodbyes and getting the last of our stuff. 

I walked down the hall, the heels of my boots clicking against the hardwood floor. I let my red hair down naturally, like I usually do, except I had a little clip pulling the front of it back. It was down to my mid-thigh now so I did have to have something keeping it out of my face. I got to the staircase and calmly climbed down it. I wanted to tell Isabelle where I was going so no one freaks out. I skipped to the ground and let my duffel bag drop to the ground. It made a thud as I walked to the kitchen, she was either in the kitchen or the training room. I guessed the kitchen because I could smell something protrude wafting it's way in the air. Also, we all know about Isabelle's cooking. 

I opened the kitchen doors preparing to see just Isabelle when I see Kasey, Max, Jessica, Isabelle, Jace, Alec, Magnus, Simon, Maia, Jordan, Luke, Maryse, Robert, and my mom. What was my Mom doing here? I didn't even tell her I was here- Simon. I swear to the Angel sometimes I am going to kill that boy. All of the heads turn to me. Jocelyn lets out a little gasp and Luke's eyes just dart all over me. 

"Hey..." I say as casually as I can. 

"Clary?!" Jocelyn yells. "Where in hell have you been." 

"To be clear", I pause as part of my sarcastic comment sets in, "I wasn't in hell. I was in Edinburgh, which is not like hell at all. Of course I went to hell a couple times but-" 

"Eat" My mother said sternly interrupting me as I was about to describe hell. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Eat, you look like a pencil." Jocelyn pushed a bowl of soup in front of me. I could little beef pieces pop to the surface, I may or may not have mentioned this but I am a vegan and that is sickening. 

"Ew. No. I'm vegan, this is disturbing me. I'm just gonna, gonna go now" I state as I start to turn around, then get interrupted by my phone. I groan and then grab it from my pocket. 

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