Chapter 10 ~ Everything New and Old

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I paced my bathroom floor debating what I should do. Everyone was out but me and Jace. I just wanted to stay home today and Jace wouldn't leave so he made up a lazy excuse saying he was tired. Isabelle and Alec knew so they just basically rolled their eyes at us. I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. I quietly sat on my bed and tapped my fingers on the top of my knees. I wore dark tan shorts with a light pink adidas rose logo tee. I had on light pink/beige flats with nude make-up and a cross necklace on. I let my hair down naturally, it curled at the bottom. I was pretty surprised Jace wasn't in my bedroom right now, I was kind of happy about it. I needed time to think.

The meadow, I thought to myself. That would be the perfect place! I always go there to think and it's far away than hear so no one can get to me, except for Emily or Logan. They are the only ones that know I go there. Perfect.

I quickly skip to my desk and pull out my phone, headphones, and then I go to my closet and pull out a little tote. I grab the laptop off my desk and push it into the bag, along with my sketchpad and pencils. I plug the headphones into my computer and quickly grab a light blanket from my closet and also put it into the tote.

I scurry down the hall, trying to get out before Jace realizes I am gone. Knowing him he'll probably want to come. I make it to the door and quickly pull it open and vanish behind it.

I walk up the dirt path, I can see it diminishing meaning I am close to my 'special' place. I wonder what Jace is doing right now, probably training. I smile to myself as I keep going down the path. I see the forest to my left, I'll probably explore that more later.

I reach my spot, what I didn't tell you about the meadow is that is stop abruptly and makes a cliff, a stream runs along the meadow so it makes a small waterfall. It's still beautiful though. I start to set up so I can begin to draw.


I haven't seen Clary today since she vanished into her room a couple hours ago, I thought it would be best to let her think for a while. She must have a lot of stress going on right now, with the demon baby, to Margot's death, to us getting back together.

I was in the midst of training when I thought I better check up on Clary. She disappeared into her room about 5 hours ago, now it's starting to go dark. Everyone was out but us so I better make use of this alone time with her. I put down the knives in my hands and walk out of the training room, it was much larger than the one in New York.

I walk up to Clary's door. I haven't been in here yet. I was kind of curious. I knocked, no answer. I didn't hear her door open so she was probably in here. I knocked one more time. Still, no answer. I turned the knob of the door revealing a very girly bedroom. I looked inside, huge windows were up against the wall, floor to ceiling drawers lined 1/6 of the wall. I looked over and saw a pink and yellow bed with all to many throw pillows on it. I looked at the windows, huge frilly white drapes hung in place and a desk was in front of it. It was a huge bedroom with many girly items stacked here and there. The one thing that stood out the most was the bookcase. Hundreds of books. Its like heaven. There was a couch and some chairs, the normal but no Clary. I turned around promising myself I would invade her room later for a book. Where was Clary though?

I walked down the hall questioning everything about her. Where would she go?

"I'M HOME!" A female voice called from downstairs. I think it was Emily, I don't know. I raced across the hall, if it was Emily she'll probably be able to help me. It was completely dark now and I was starting to get frantic.

I made it down the stairs to see just Emily walking around. "Do you know where Clary is?" I asked her while I reached the bottom step. 

"Oh, she must be there again. Here, wanna come? We can go get her!" Emily cheered smiling. 

"Um...sure. Let's go." I replied following Emily who was exiting the door. 

Clary's P.O.V. 

I looked around at the setting sun and smiled. Music played from my computer that was sitting on the blanket I had spread out. "Feel So Close" blasted from the computer, it was okay but no one was around here for miles. It's good because they can't disturb this peaceful, calm, beautiful place. It's also glamoured. shadowhunters around here sometimes come to train and relax their mind but only a few people know about this place now. Including me, Logan, and Emily. It's kinda like our own little place. I love it here. 

I laid on my back and sang along to the music playing. I let my eyes close as I sang along. The light was slowly dimming as I sat up again and started to pack my bag up. I was going to stay here a little longer so I left my computer and phone out. The music still blasted as I silently put all my other belongings into the bag. I sang along and swayed my hips side to side as I laid back down and looked up at the twinkling stars in the night sky. They were beautiful. It was dark out now even though the sun was setting a few moments ago. I loved it here in Edinburgh, I never wanted to leave. I looked up at the sky one more time before closing my eyes and falling asleep under the stars. 


Hey guys, sorry for not updating that quickly! I have just had test after quiz after test for the past month or so. Sorry this is just a filler chapter but I promise more action stuff is going to happen. Love you guys and thanks for understanding. 

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