Last Hope (Lashton fanfic)

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A/N: Hey!! so this is my first story on my new account. (my old one got deleted so). I did this as an RP but I wanted it as a story I'm only going to post the prompt and comment below if I should continue!(:


Luke and Ashton get into their first major fight. Ashton thinks Luke was cheating on him with Calum, which he wasn't, but Ashton refuses to believe him. A few months back, Luke and Ashton made a deal. Luke stops smoking and Ashton stops cutting. If one of them relapse, the other one has to also. Ashton walks out and doesn't come back for weeks. Luke has probably smoked 10 packs of cigarettes by now, and regrets doing it every time he puts one out. Ashton hasn't cut. He's not mad at himself, he's just mad at Luke. But when Ashton calls Calum and asks him if anything went on between him and Luke, Calum says they had a one night stand.

Last Hope ( Lashton fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now