Last Hope.

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Hey guys. So basically, I kind of lost interest in the prompt... I just don't know what to write anymore. So here's the last chapter. I've had this idea in my head for months, and I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks for all the comments and votes, and all the 3k+ reads. I love all of you! This isn't my only story I'l be writing. I have some ideas for Cake and more Lashton so stay tuned! Thanks again for everything. So here it is, Last Hope. Enjoy!(:


 It's just a spark,

but it's enough,

to keep me going.

And when it's dark out,

no one's around,

it keeps glowing...

(Last Hope by Paramore)



{ 3 years later... }

Luke's POV:

So it's been three years... Three years since Ashton's been gone. I can't take it anymore. The loneliness, the dreading on hours of a day. I can't go on. Without seeing his smile, or hearing his beautiful laugh, I break into a million pieces. Knowing that I was the reason that he took his own life makes matters even worse. If I could go back in time and change everything, I would. But I can't. It's all my fault. Everything is my fault. From him relapsing, to him ending his life. All because of me. Everyone has pity for me, but I don't want it. They say it's not my fault, but I sure as hell know it is. He didn't even say goodbye. Didn't leave a letter. Just his body, hanging there in our bedroom, lifeless. We were supposed to get married, have kids, grow old together. But none of those things are going to happen. 

I can't go on in life knowing I was the reason the love of my life killed himself. That's all I think about, is the whole reason behind him ending his life.

(3rd Person)

It was their anniversary, of four years together. Everything was planned out for the evening. Ashton would take Luke to the park, have a candle lit picnic, and propose to Luke right then and there. Ashton was out doing errands, and making sure the night was going to be perfect. Luke was at home, on the phone with his mum, when someone knocked at the door. Thinking it was Ashton, he hung up the phone, and opened the door.

"Hey bab- Calum?! What the hell are you doing here?" Luke exaggerated, nearly dropping his phone on the floor.

"I just wanted to stop by and uh, catch up on things I guess," Calum said, with a sly smirk.

 Luke rolled his eyes. "As I said four years ago, no one needs your bullshit. So just go, and run along. Ashton will be home any minute and I don't think he would like to see you."

Calum chuckled. "But I just got here. Slow down, Luke."

Luke sighed frustrated, and chewed on his lip. "C-Calum, please just go. I-I need to get ready for tonight.."

Calum's eyes lit up. "What's happening tonight?"

"It's our four year anniversary, you dipshit. Now leave, I don't want to see you."

"Maybe I could help you get ready? Considering I was your best friend.."

Luke scoffed. "Key word, was." 

"Oh, c'mon Luke! I'm only helping you get ready. What's the worse thing that could happen?"

And the worst thing did happen.

Last Hope ( Lashton fanfiction )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz