Chapter 12

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Jungkook's POV

"What?" I asked Tzuyu but she was sleeping peacefully, completely oblivious to the mental break-down I was having. I still haven't even actually gotten out of the trance and when I did I had millions of questions running through my head. Did she really like me? Did she only say that because she was sick? How long has she been having these feelings for? Is she doing for a joke? Do I like her back?

The last question was the one that mattered to me. Did I really like her back? She is one of the very few girls that I'm not actually shy with. This is kinda surprising since we've only been on two dates but then again we have gone through those bases that everyone was talking about.

I scratch my head in frustration and I decide to go to sleep except I realised that we were soaked through up to our 'undergarments'.

I kick the bed and shout in frustration again. I had never undressed another person, let alone a girl but if I didn't then Tzuyu's fever would get worse.

I decided to go with my gut feeling and went with undressing her. Of course being the gentleman I am, I closed my eyes I undressed her all the way to her 'undergarments'. I did it to as my clothes were wet too, to be honest calling my clothes wet would be a understatement.

I turned off the lights and went to sleep, holding Tzuyu in my arms.

Tzuyu's POV

I felt two muscular arms around me and whenever I tried to get out of the grip, it just became tighter.

Wait...two muscular arms?

I slowly open my eyes to see a hotel room, I start to remember the past events. I turned around to see Jungkook's face right in front of me.

I screamed and somehow ended up from the middle of the bed to the floor. As I try to rub my head to rid the gruesome pain, I hear a small groan coming from the bed?

"Tzuyu?" I hear Jungkook say.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I replied.

"Did your fever go away?"

"Yeah it did." I look around and got up.

I saw Jungkook half-naked and I looked at myself. Why was I half-naked myself? Wait, did we do the dirty? I had been asking so many questions to myself that I haven't realised that Jungkook was speaking to me.

"I know this looks very wrong but trust me when I say we didn't do anything. I had to take off your clothes since you were wet and I was afraid that your fever was going to get worse." I nodded as I blushed intensely at the fact that Jungkook may have seen my underwear.

I went towards to the clothes that were cold and damp. How are we going go back to the dorm especially since we probably missed registration.

"So what do we then?" I asked.

"I don't know, wanna cuddle?" He smirked.

"It's not very good since we aren't married...I'm really old-fashioned." I said, hoping that this excuse would be enough.

"It's 2017, these types of things are destroyed everyday around the world and some people do a lot more dirty stuff than this." He said.

"But...but." I stopped speaking as he pulled me on to the bed and held me against him. The feeling was nice, I closed my eyes and imagined being in Canada where we live in a wooden cabin and me and Jungkook are snuggled up next to each other with the fire on.

Before I surrendered to sleep I heard Jungkook say.

"I think I know my answer now."

So Gab here, or do guys wanna call me Tanuki. gab_tanuki sounds too long.

Anyway I do hope that you guys are liking this story. I'm just here to say this is more like a part 2 to chapter 11 because I kinda left it with a cliffhanger and I'm sorry that it's a bit shorter but least I updated.

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