Prologue. (The Beginning!)

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Warnings: OC Central, Unknown: this is a brand new story to me, a light side story that I never done before with new characters and plots, which means I'm writing this as I go along. All I can tell you is that there will be Strong Language and some Violence. Other than that I don't know what will happen. I can also inform you that at times you'll see parts that you would have seen in the main story. These scenes will only happen if Erebus and Harry are in it together, and, ofcourse, important to the plot.

Author's Note: This story came about when I was asking for OCs for the main story. I don't remember who, but he/she asked if I would do a side story to add these new OCs so we can see them all at least once. After some thought, I decided I would try it out as it would help create background information about the good and bad Mystics that'll appear in this story.

For those who don't like OCs and their background stories, this story is not for you. This story is to write the background information about the OC Mystics that'll appear in the main story. If you don't like the idea of this, stop reading now as I won't take flaming when you know what to expect already. This story is also to try and connect the Fairy Tail and the Harry Potter Worlds together better, to give Harry a good reason to go to Earthland.


2nd of September 1965:

Our origins begin in the year of 1965, where we find identical twin sisters running through London. The sisters were Jennifer and Kimberly Carter. They were ten years old, four feet ten inches tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes and wore blue stretchy tapered pants paired with patterned sweaters. The only way someone could tell the difference between the two sisters is that Kimberly had a scar across her left cheek.

Jennifer and Kimberly were orphans, and had been living in one of London's Orphanages since they were three years old. They didn't know what had happened to their parents, nor how they ended up at the Orphanage, but they knew that they were found on the doorstep of the Orphanage and that they had been there ever since. Over the years many other orphans were adopted, but for some reason they didn't about, they never were adopted. Over the years, because of the Orphanage not being... Respectable such as it not being well funded, and them also needing to deal with bullies, they quickly learnt how to fend for themselves.

Now you may be wondering what they were running from. They weren't fleeing from bullies as you might suspect, but by a strange group of people who were trying to capture them and alter their memories so they would forget what they had learnt over the years. Over the years the young twins learnt of many things that would change their perspective of the world, some of which many normal people would never learn in their lifetime, and one of the secrets they had learned was about magic being real. Knowing about magic attracted a group known as the Ministry of Magic. This group had sent people who were known as Obliviators after them, so that they could be made to forget what they knew about magic.

However, the Obliviators weren't the only ones after them because they knew about the Wizarding World, as the Ministry of Magic called it, but also because the twins were able to do magic. Not that able to do magic was a bad thing, but it was because the twins were using magic differently than the kind the Ministry of Magic used. Jennifer and Kimberly used a more....powerful version of magic but yet a more difficult to wield. Something that the Ministry was jealous of...... But the girls didn't understand that at the time. They thought that magic was magic, and that there was no set way of using it.

It all started when they were five years old, when they learnt that the strange things that were happening around the Orphanage was because of them. When they learnt that they were behind the strange going ons at the Orphanage, Jennifer and Kimberly wanted to learn how to control these strange powers, so they could look after themselves better, but the problem was they didn't know how to, however they did attempt to via the process of trial and error but did not achieve much success.

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