Chapter One. (History of Magic!)

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Author's Note: The last chapter of the side-story to Vulcan went as well as I suspected, badly... only two reviews. I hope that it'll get better as the story goes along. Now I had a review from Robert77833, who said if I can't fit the info about the OCs into the main story and need to create a whole side story to explain them, then most of it is probably not relevant.

I would like to point out that I'm not only adding the information about the OCs in this side-story so that I don't have to take up too much time in the main story, but also to explain more about who the Mystics are too. And they'll also be a side plot that'll appear in this story, that later will appear in the main story but not for some time. But I thought it would be fun to try and expand on this plot in this story. You'll learn about the plot as the story goes along. I'm also doing this as I tend to go overboard with information when I explain things to people, and seeing I want to get on with the main story, I'll do as much information for the Mystics and the new OCs here.


The Carter Twins and Henry arrived at a well furnished living room, with two soft sofas and three soft armchairs, with a warm fireplace in the room. There weren't any pictures, or anything to show that anyone lived there. While the girls were looking around, Henry went to the cupboard and took out some drinks for the girls. He gave them to the twins, and said, "Now girls I know that you have a lot of questions so sit down and ask them, and I'll answer what I can."

While Jennifer and Kimberly sat down, it was Kimberly who asked, "I've been wondering, why can we do magic without a stick or a 'wand' like the Wizarding World calls it, but the people from the Wizarding World use wands?"

"Hmmmm, now that is a long story," the Ice Mage explained to the girls, "but before wands came about in the year 382 B.C, when an Ancient Roman family with the name of Ollivander came to England, everyone used what the Wizarding World, or Magical World as they called themselves back then, called wandless magic. And like you their only limits were their mind and will power. They only used staffs to do more powerful spells and rituals that they knew back then."

"So why did they change from 'Wandless Magic,' and start to use wands?" Jennifer asked thoughtfully.

"At first they were meant to be used as training tools," Henry said with a sigh, "because a few children at the time were having problems with their powers, and wands were meant to help train them. However though, as time passed the Magical Users back then relied on wands more and more, only using staffs for the more powerful branches of spells and rituals, more and more, they were easier to use magic with. With people getting lazy and not wanting to spend time to learn magic as it was meant to be used, people began to forget about wandless magic."

"But we've seen Obliviators using Wandless Magic." Kimberly said as she thought back on their large number of encounters with the Obliviators, and how they used Wandless Magic.

"I didn't say people forgot about it completely, they just began to," Henry informed the twins, "the fact is that the Wizarding World of today has forgotten how to use Wandless Magic properly, they can only do the very basics of Wandless Magic. Before wands and staffs came to be, there have been those who were so powerful in Wandless Magic, that some thought they were gods. You might have heard of some of them, from the likes of Greek Mythology: Zeus, Poseidon, just naming a few of them."

"All of the Gods were powerful Wizards and Witches?" Jennifer asked with curiosity, wondering if he was telling the truth.

"Just the Greek and Roman Gods," Henry begun to explain, "the Gods that people know of today, God, Allah, Brahman and such are still up in debate. Seeing that none of them made an appearance and such, we don't know if they are Magical or not."

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