Some Kind of Interlude

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Code-Name: (Depending how I use the character, they might need a code-name, so please think of one.)


Appearance: (If they got an ability to transform to look like something else, tell me what that form looks like.)

Personality: (As detailed as possible please.)

History: (Their past, how they got their powers and if they got any family members and such. Every little detail will help me to add the person into the story.)

Powers: (These can be anything you like as long as they come from comics, films, games and such, as the Mystics are Muggleborns who taught themselves how to use their powers from these things, once they learn that the strange things that happened around them was because of them. Seeing that they have no one to help them, they use comics, films, games and such to master their powers. Please tell me where they got the ideas of their powers from, so I can look them up too - this is important.)

Strengths/Weaknesses: (What they are good at and what they aren't, and what weakness do their powers have, if any. Like Harry, seeing he can use fire, he would be weak against water and strong air magic.)

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral - they do whatever they want for their own gain, they are neither good nor evil.)

Please if there is anything else you can think of, please add it to the character too.

I'm after a character, a young male teen, like Cyborg from the DC comics, but instead of a full cyborg body, he would only have an arm and leg at first that was cyborgic. But as he gets older, his magic gains him more body parts to make him more cyborg looking.  

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