Chapter Six

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We did as the Admiral asked. We got our uniforms, got a little rest and went directly to Hanger Three. There stood two gleaming beauties. FA-18 hornets with a small devil insignia next to a 30 millimeter cannon. Garrison stood there, along with some engineers gathering up their gear and walking away. We walked up to Garrison and saluted.

"Be careful, SAMs and MiGs are paying hell to our aircraft. Frost is sending his troops to dispatch the SAMs, but you all have to deal with the MiGs."

I had no idea why the Admiral was laying this much attention to us, but it must be for a good reason. We stepped into our hornets, and I looked over at Baker for one last time. It reminded me of when I looked over at Francis, which must've been just been a few hours ago. When he was alive.

"You alright?" Baker said.

"Yeah Yeah, just thinking of old friends." I responded. Baker looked at the ground, but then back up.

"That won't happen to us." He said and shut his canopy. A minute later the platform beneath us started lifting, and a roof above us opened. We were lifted to the carrier platform, rain pouring everywhere on the ship. The artillery shells were still firing blindly at the ship, but one crater was smoking next to the bridge. Luckily, the runway was still clear. 

"Garrison, this is Devil One One and One Two. We are on the runway and prepared for takeoff."

Garrison didn't respond. He might've not been at the bridge yet due to the fire. Garrison soon responded nonetheless.

"Devil One One this is Garrison. You may take off when ready."

Now was our chance. I gripped the throttle of the hornet, shut my visor and put on my air mask.

"Garrison, this is Devil One One, we are off." With that I engaged engines and was shot forward off the carrier. This takeoff was better than the last one, and I shot off into the sky. I looked behind me and Baker was right behind and to my left. 

"Ready for this, Baker?" I said. I lifted the throttle and started climbing above the clouds. 

"Ready as ever, Porter." He followed. After a few seconds, we breached the clouds and saw the blue sky. Sunlight breached through the canopy of my hornet. It felt warm and refreshing, and I was glad to be out of the rain. Baker started speaking over the radio.

"How about that?" He said.

"About what?" I responded. I flipped open my visor and the light shined like the morning sun.

"That sunlight, man. Who would have thought that, over all that rain, there was this." 

"I don't know, I guess all the scientists in the world." I did a barrels roll, just trying to show off a little bit. I looked back at Baker, who was doing that same. 

"We shouldn't waste any more fuel, engage afterburners." I stated. I opened a switch and flipped it upwards, and I felt a sudden burst of speed. The afterburners pushed me back into my seat, and I struggled trying to look around. I watched as the clouds below me passed by as if I were a boat in the sea. I looked at my radar, and it had completely nothing. We were too high for the enemy to shoot us down with SAMs. 

"Devil One Two." I said, calling Baker. "We will be at our location in a few minutes, I recommend you check your headset and canopy. Anything that falters will threaten your life." 

"Copy that." Baker responded. I checked my HUD headset and the systems worked. I checked a couple switches, they worked as well. I looked at the canopy for cracks and a parachute. No cracks and parachute was in place. 

"Devil One Two, all systems checked. Copy?" He responded immediately. "Copy, and nothing is wrong with the HUD or the canopy." I looked outside once more. The clouds changed from a pitch black to a nice fluffed white. "Copy, continue to our objective." I said and continued flying with afterburners. After an awkward silence, I tried to think of something to talk about. It took me a moment, but I got something.

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