Chapter Twelve

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I spread out my arms and legs, trying to slow down my descent. I wasn't looking anywhere but towards the ground. I knew if I wasn't ready, I would either be killed by the planes or be smashed into the ground. I waited for several more second before initiating my parachute. 

Nothing. Fuck, the primary parachute didn't work. I did the second.

The secondary worked and I started drifting towards the ground from about five hundred feet towards El Alto. I was drifting toward a small building with a large hole in the right corner. I fell onto it and quickly took off the parachute. Chinese forces would be here at any moment, and I had to act fast. I took off the helmet and air mask, then grabbed the pistol that was strapped to my leg and unbuckled it, raising it and looking around.  Most of the buildings here were destroyed, but a few were still able to provide cover. 

The building I was on was four story and I looked around for an exit. There was nothing. I quickly ran towards the edge, looking for ladders. Nothing. I did find another building next to it, though, but it was partially collapsed. Any pressure could destroy it completely. It was two story, so it's not like I wouldn't survive, but it could hurt like hell and could slow me down. Pain would get me nowhere. 

I decided to go for it. I jumped onto the roof. Right afterwards, however, the roof I was standing on collapsed into the second story. I rolled down the rubble and hit the floor hard. My arm took the impact and tensed up with pain. The glass shreds were still imbedded within my flesh. I ignored it and continued.

There was a stairway, and I was able to get down with ease. Where were the civilians? Were they able to get an evacuation? Probably not. They were all dead or dying somewhere due to American bombs. It's not their fault they had petroleum and shit in their territory.

I looked outside, making sure the coast was clear. It was and I started walking through the street while hugging the right side. There was no one, the whole place seemed deserted. Rubble filled the streets and small fires were filling the air with smoke. The smoke gagged me, mostly because the last time I smelled it was when I had to bail. I looked up, seeing jets streaming across the sky, circling and covering the bombers retreat. I knew that even if I could signal them, they would not be able to do anything. 

I continued until I reached a highway. It was a four lane road that was filled with craters. Cars clogged most of the lands not already hit, showing signs of life. If you could call it that. 

I could see people in the cars, some with blood in their windows, others with open doors and broken glass. People were living here, and we just bombed them. In the middle of my thinking, I heard a deep engine. Not a jeep, deeper. Then the sound of crashing, as if something were being run over. I waited, this could be the Chinese.

Moments later, a tank passes through the highway, crushing cars and craters as if they were nothing. It didn't look through the street I was on, and just continued. Hopefully I was going east towards Lake Titicaca, but I had no clue. Everything that wasn't on me was still on the plane, including compasses and flares. I ran across the street using the cars and craters as cover. When I got to the median, however, the sound of a helicopter filled my ears. I looked up, seeing a helicopter carrying an artillery piece fly by. It keeps moving forward, but then stops and begins to lower itself. It drops off the artillery and flies off. I stay behind the car.

Then voices. They got louder and louder until I finally saw them. Chinese soldiers turned the corner and walked down the highway towards the artillery. There were about five soldiers, two with semi-automatic rifles and three with an-94s. They walked slowly, talking along the way. I looked around and saw a dried up riverbed. I waited for them to pass and then quickly ran across the street. 

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