Chapter Ten

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"Yes." I said, turning around to see who called my name. There was a man standing there, African American, and wearing a balaclava that was folded up just enough so you could not see his hair. There was a smaller man behind him. He was an Asian, but he couldn't be Chinese. 

They were both wearing an Air Force Uniform, therefore they both had to be replacements. That would make sense, too. They were both young and full of spirit for the greater good. If that was what they were looking for, then they were wrong. The Asian man smiled weakly, while the other seemed more confused.

"You are our captain, then." He said, raising his arm for a handshake.

"Brandon Jacobs." He said. 

"Devin Porter." I said, raising my own hand. We shook hands and turned to face the other man. He continued smiling slightly, but didn't raise his hand. I turned to face Jacobs.

"Shy?" I said. Jacobs sighed.

"Some men over at our last checkpoint started calling him the enemy, and that he should be in China. Fucking ba-" He cut himself off. I guess he didn't know if he was allowed to curse or not. I nodded and he smiled. 

"Beggining to like you already, captain." Jacobs said. 

"You better." I said, pointing my finger at him as if I were mad, but smiling slightly so he would understand it's a joke. He chuckled a little, then patted the Asian man on the back. 

"Come on, just tell him your name." Jacobs said. The Asian man shook his head. 

"Come on..." I said. "It's fine."

He looked to the side, then spoke a little.

"Kazou Tanaka." He said, then looking down at the ground. I stayed cheerful. 

"That's fine." I said, then started whispering to Jacobs. 

"Did something happen to him?" I said out of curiosity. Jacobs sighed again, then spoke.

"He is from Japan. The Chinese took it over soon after the US got involved in Bolivia. I assume it may have something to do with that, or maybe just bad treatment. I don't have a clue." He then started speaking to Tanaka, offering him food. Tanaka shook his head and continued looking at the ground. Jacobs sighed and looked over at me. 

"Know where we bunk?" He said. I didn't have a clue so I shook my head.

"Have to ask Roebuck or something." I said. A few moments later, Roebuck started talking over the speakers.

"All Air Force units that age arrived at the base have been completely re-armed and re-fueled. You know what that means? Get to your aircraft now, I will explain your mission through the comms. Go!" With that, Jacobs, Tanaka and I started making our way to the hornets. Hopefully Baker got the wake-up call. 

We got to the hornets about ten minuets after he announced the mission over the speakers. This take off would be different from the carrier, everything had to be done by hand. On the carrier, they would give you a push with the onboard hooks and therefore get off the carrier easier without crashing into the ocean. Here is a runway, no hooks and, instead of crashing into the ocean, you crash into rock solid ground. An instant death within a fiery explosion. 

I hopped into the hornet, putting on all the necessary equipment. Then I shut the canopy and prepared for take off. 

"Devil One One to Devil One Units, status report." 

"Devil One Three..." Jacobs. "...reporting with all main and secondary armaments ready."

"Devil One Two..." Baker, he did get the wake up call. "...all main and secondary armaments ready." 

No response from Tanaka, so I waited. Soon enough, I did get one.

"Devil One Four, all main and secondary armaments ready." 

We were ready, and now we were awaiting orders. I checked my own armament, and the main and secondary were both air-to-air. This time we weren't going to destroy tanks and help infantry, we were against the enemy fighters, probably playing a support role.

"All bombers, you primary objective is to completely carpet bomb the city above La Paz, El Alto. There are no friendly units within the vicinity, so feel free to obliterate any hostile resistance. All fighters, your primary objective is to keep the bombers covered while they continue the mission. There is am airport in La Paz itself, so expect quick resistance."

I could have been Roebuck over the comms, maybe the army General, at that moment, I didn't give a damn.

"Sir, if I may ask, why don't we carpet bombs the airport and destroy all the fighters before they launch?" A pilot said. The pilot couldn't have been within our squadron. 

"There are numerous infantry strongholds within the northern city that would cause havoc for our assault force. I don't need to explain it to you, do I?" It had to be Roebuck. There was no response from the pilot.

"Alright then, watch out for any SAMs. La Paz and El Alto are filled with 'em. I reccomend you go for the SAMs first, then El Alto itself. Get a move on, Roebuck out." 

That's our mission, protect the bombers. Should be simple enough. 

"Devil One this is Devil One One, stay in formation and, on my mark, engage any fighters that will harm the flight group. Am I understood?" 

Everyone in the squadron said yes, and it was almost our turn to take off. I know I have been really ester well enough for this, but I still feel like I did my last mission only a few hours ago. Our turn for take off.

"Devil One away." 

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