Chapter Seven

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We eventually made it to the Typhoon. It was no longer raining, and the bright sunlight just managed to break through the clouds. There were some fires raging on the land, and the carrier still had small plumes of smoke rising from craters, but it was still floating. It looked like it was in far better shape than it was earlier. And, to add onto that, they weren't getting fired at by that artillery cannon anymore. Looks like we either made it back to friendly lines or took this part of Chile. Either way was fine by me.

"Garrison, this is Devil One. Requesting landing on the Typhoon, over." There was a long pause, but there was soon a response.

"Devil One this is Garrison. You have permission to land on the Typhoon. After that proceed directly to my quarters, Garrison out." Garrison sounded sick. His voice was hoarse and faded partially. He must've gone through a lot the past couple of hours. Now that think about it, a lot has happened in the last twelve hours.

Baker and I land on the carrier and hop out of our craft. I take off my air mask and my visor and set it on top of the chair inside the hornet. I looked over at Baker, who was doing the same. Him and I were the only two left in the squadron, and somehow we have managed to survive two whole battles in just one day. He notices me looking over at him, staring at me. Then he smiles.

"That was one hell of a roller coaster." He said. I smiled back. I started walking over to him, but he pointed to somewhere behind me. I turn around and see Admiral Garrison in a trench coat.

"Correction, Lieutenant. You two did one hell of a job." He looked at the both of us. Baker quickly ran over and stood next to me. We both saluted, but the Admiral waved us off. He then signaled for us to follow him, and we did as he asked.

He lead us inside the ship and into his office. I don't know why he was paying this much interest in us, but it had to be a good goddamn reason. He sat down behind his desk and motioned for us to sit as well. We did as he asked, Baker sitting in the chair on the left and me on the right.

"I got a status report from Colonel Roebuck, who's with the marines. He said you two did one mighty job. And yet, you two manage to survive his encounter as well." The Admiral grabbed the cup of coffee that was next to him and sipped from it. He stopped and leaned back in his chair.

"We only did as we were told, sir." I stated. I looked over at Baker, who was fiddling with a pencil he must've found on the admirals desk. Baker looked over at me and put it down, speaking.

"Exactly. Roebuck ordered us to fire on the ground units, then he..."

"Called a Broken Arrow." The Admiral interrupted. "Yes, I've heard. You two deserve a promotion." He took a sip from his coffee. "Probably saved a battalion of men, or at least a platoon, and kept the town in our hands against all odds. The town was surrounded, and you two..." He took another sip. Then he was about to speak again, but didn't. He leaned forward onto his desk, staring at Baker and I directly into the eyes.

"Sir?" Baker said after a few, long seconds. The admiral looked at him, then sat back in his chair. He took another sip from his coffee.

"You two are supposed to go to Peru, it will be easier for you to assist the ground forces there. Are you two familiar with the 3rd Parachute Battalion?" The admiral said. We shook our heads. Garrison smiled, took another sip of coffee, then yawned.

"Those were the boys that saved your asses from the killing block, and in turn you saved them." Garrison smiled. I looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Are you telling us that the men that we saved back there were the same ones that saved us in the church?" I stated. I looked over at Baker, who was paying attention clearly. His eyes widened and he adjusted himself on his chair. The church was hell. I raised my hand to look at it, eyeing the missing fingers with the blood stained bandage. Garrison looked at my hand as well, then used his own hand to push mine below the desk where it couldn't be seen.

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