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One word could start a whole friend ship.


Two words can hold such a beautiful memory.

"I do..."

Three words could start a family...

"It's a girl..."

Such a beautiful child laying in my arms. Two years has gone by so fast, within a blink of an eye. Two years of love and hate, of course things aren't always perfect. The band had to take a break because of my pregnancy, it took a toll on me really. Not being able to do what you love for almost a year, but on the bright side Lily got a chance to be a part of this world.

"I still think Holly would be a good name." Oliver pouted.

"We're Not naming her Holly!"

Okay back to the story, Lily is now a part of this beautiful family.

"But Holly is such a pretty name." He joked.

"You didn't have to deal with the 9 months of torture, and a C-Section" I spat.

"Lily it is then." He laughed signing the papers.

"I hate you." I huffed.

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead.

"Seriously. " I groaned.

"That's the pain talking love." He chuckled.

A knock on the door interrupted our small argument.

"How's my baby girl." Austin peeked his head through the door.

"I felt every single thing." I groaned in pain.

"Ouch, sorry sweet heart." He gave me a sad smile. Both of them were on each side of me, Oliver was practically in the bed being as careful as possible.

"She has your eyes." I smiled over to Oliver.

"She's going to be a heart breaker, just like her mama." Austin chuckled.

"And why is that? She won't be aloud to be around boys." Oliver chuckled.

"She's going to he a daddy's girl alright." I smiled.

"Can I hold my grandchild?" Austin smiled. I gently handed her over letting Austin hold her for the first time. He wouldn't stop smiling, I could tell that she's going to love him.

Soon everyone else came in, even some of my close friends from the states came over to get a glimpse of me and Olivers child.

"Can I hold her?" Cody smiled. I handed him Lily seeing a small smile curve to his lips.

"Whats her name?" He asked.

"Lily." Oliver smiled kissing my cheek.

"She looks just like you two." He chuckled.

"We know." I smiled.

"How long until you are able to play again?" Kota asked.

"In about 4-5 months, the procedure didn't go as plan so I need a full recovery" I sighed.

"She looks beautiful, just like you." Oliver whispered into my ear.

"I love you." I kissed him.

"Always and Forever..." I smiled.

Adopted by Austin Carlile?! (oliver sykes fanfiction?)Where stories live. Discover now