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Zayn's P.O.V

"Hey Zayn" all four of them said at the same was weird how they could finish each others sentences, it was as if they were reading each others minds...I wish that would happen with me. "Hello? Zayn, you still there mate?" "Oh yeah sorry my mind just went blank for a moment,anyways what were you saying?" "We were just wondering if you could go run for some milk since we're kinda busy right now" "Sure I'll be back in a few minutes". Like they even cared. What was Liam busy doing? Oh wait that's right they were cuddling without you! They will never cuddle with you Zayn get it through your thick skull! Oh shut up brain you're just being negative! Some people were giving me odd stares which made me realize that I had been talking to myself again. You see talking to myself helps me cope with my emotions (A/N It's true as weird as it sounds it makes you feel better. My counsellor recomends it but just don't dwell on negative thoughts.Anyways continue reading my beautiful people!!) It gets that need of wanting to tell somebody something calm down a little. It made me feel safe. Well it helps me feel calm actually. As soon as I bought the milk I sped down to the flat that I shared with my bandmates but I guess I walked in at the wrong moment. Niall and Liam were making out on the couch and Louis and Harry were making out on the floor. It made me feel a very familiar pang in my chest and it felt as if somebody had stabbed a sharpened spear right through my heart.It made my chest and my neck and chin feel itchy but luckily I put the milk away and ran upstairs before any of them could notice.

When I was in my room I just let it all out. Hopefully they coudn't hear me but I was proved wrong when Liam came in asking me if I was okay. Of course I wasn't okay but I lied to him and told him I was sick and just a little tired. He wasn't so sure but he left anyways.

So!?! How was it Good or Bad anyways ( I say anyways alot don't I lol) Here is the chapter I said that I was gonna upload soon please Vote or Comment or do both! but please don't be silent readers I like to have feedback :)

If it stopped would you miss me? Zayn CentricWhere stories live. Discover now