Suicide. Part 1

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{Zayn pov}

I'm done. I'm done with being left out. I just wanted to be loved. Those were the things tht crossed my head as I sat on the floor cutting. Once again thinking about going just a little deeper. I always heard of people convincing themselves of being ugly,fat, disgusting and telling themselves that they should have ended it a long time ago. Here I was....with my blades, pills, and a rope by my side. When they find me, I'll be long gone. Just hanging there. Vomit running down my chin, and blood down my arms and dripping on the floor under me. They will regret everything that they have done with me. All of them, my mom,my dad, my sisters, and most importantly the LOVES of my life.

Hey guys! Umm well this chapter is really short and sad I guess. This was something that happened to me a few weeks ago unfortunately. I was not succesful in my attempt but maybe Zayn will? but yes I ended up locked up in a mental hospital for a few weeks and now I have to through therapy for a few months and yeah. Thank you for the support! :)


If it stopped would you miss me? Zayn CentricWhere stories live. Discover now