Chapter seven

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Chapter seven

I then stopped dancing with him abruptly and tried to get to my father as soon as possible and as fast,


My dad turned with a smile one his face but it quickly dropped he must of seen how scared I was he was coming towards me but everything happened so fast bombs were exploding and everyone's was screaming and trying to get away my farther reached me and he dragged me throw the castle and guards including Sally were right behind us my dad stopped in front of a door and went in and came out a few minutes later holding the jewel


"Hurry we need to go"

Then he pulled me again and we ended up in a room I didn't recognize and then my dad was doing things and said a few words then something came in front of me was a purple swirling powder that was a few inches off the ground,

"Dad is this a portal?" I asked

"Yes it is"

"And what is this room?" I asked curiously

"A room I kept hidden incase something like this happened Celeste you and the jewel have to go throw and Sally will come with you"

"Ok wait dad what about you?"

"It's a war Celeste I have to stay and fight and lead the people"

"But I can stay and help"

"You have to go your to import one day you will become ruler but you have to be alive for that and I can't lose you too"

"Ok but please be safe"

"I'll be safe now go!"

"Wait we're dose it go?"

"Earth in a different era the era of 2014"


"Sally will protect and guide you as best as possible and Celeste no matter what don't come back until the war is over ok promise me"

"Ok promise I love you"

"Love you to bye sweetie"

"By dad I love you too"

We then hugged and me and Sally went into the Portal but before we did I looked back and thought

One day I will see you again I promise


Sorry if it was short I'll make the next one longer.


-angeergarang 👾💕💙🎉😎😀

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