Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

Ok so now I know that there are mages at home who were good but now are bad well some of them are bad and they sent a demon wolf after the stone and me and I couldn't do anything when it was about to kill me I thought as I was looking out my bedroom window

Through the hole bus trip I kept on thinking how pathetic I am how I can't do anything but just wait or stand and watch as my friend has to fight a monster or a demon I sighed and looked at a bird as it flew past I heard the door creek and I turned and saw it was violate I smiled and she smiled back at me and she walked towards me and sat down with me and looked out the window she then said suddenly,

"It's beautiful here isn't it?"

"What here?" I asked

"No everything isn't everything just pretty?" She asked

"Yeh" I said quietly

"Celeste what's got you down your not acting like yourself"

"It's just..I want to help Sally fight"

"Whys that?"

"So then she won't get hurt"

"Have you ever thought maybe she dosnt need help or maybe she likes it and that she's used to it I think she'd rather get hurt then you because you are inportant because your the princess and her friend"

"Yeh but I still want to help"

" then use you powers"

"I can't because they have barriers around them so magic can't hurt them"

"Then why don't you train with her? And learn how to use a sword and ask her?" Violate asked

"She'll say no"

"And do you know that?....for sure"

"Well no...."

"Then go and see for yourself.......tomorrow"

"What?! Why tomorrow you said....."

"I know but it's late you should get some rest..for school is tomorrow"


Violate left the room and I began to get ready for bed

The next morning......


I woke up and noticed that I was lying on the floor I got up and stretched and started getting ready for school

At school..

Tick, tick, tick

Come on hurry up clock

Today is when I ask Sally if I could learn how to fight so that's why I want the clock to hurry so I can go ask but no I'm stuck in science right now but the good thing is lunch is only in 3 minutes but the bad thing is it's like time has stopped so I kept on staring at it.

"Miss Stanford!"

Oh no....

I looked away from the clock and looked at the teacher

"Yes?" I asked

"Are you lisening?"

I was about to answer but the bell interrupted and as soon as it did I rushed out I was nearly at the door but mrs smith yelled,

"Celeste you stay!"


I stopped and walked over to her and by then everyone had left,

"Miss Stanford were you lisening?"


"No you wernt you were staring at the clock" she said sternly

Then why ask if I was lisening when you already knew the answer?

"You better lisen in my next class or eles you'll jabs a detention this is a waring miss Stanford" she said waiting for my Answer.

"Ok miss smith I'll lisen next lesson"

"Very goood you can go now"

I nooded and left I went and got lunch and I was excited to ask Sally I got my lunch and looked around and saw them in our userl spot

I walked over and roxan said,

"We're have you been?"

"Yeh did you get into trouble?" Said scarlet

"Yeh with miss smith" I said

" should sit" said Sally

I sat down and when I did I asked

"Sally can...."

But Sally was staring at something and she said,

"Here he comes everyone be quiet!"

Huh? I looked at were she was staring Oh she was staring at someone

I saw who it was and it was jack, jack wellson and his friends everyone at the table went weird well I couldn't blame them they are the cutest guys in school every girl loves them and here they come

Oh boy this is going to be interesting.


Hi hope you like it ok I know I say that all the time but I really do hope you like it

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-angeergarang 👾💕💙🎉😎😀

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