Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

The boys came over and sat down on the other side of the table and jack said,

"This is peter, Sam, max and finally Ben" jack said introducing us

I didn't want to be rude but I wanted to know because we wernt exactly popular,

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Well do we need a reason?" Jack asked

"Yes you do becuase..."

I didn't get to finish because Sally intro interrupted by saying,

"Sorry don't mind her's it going?" She asked jack

Jack replied and before I knew it they were stuck in conversation and when I looked at the others scarlet was talking to Sam and roxan was talking to Peter and then violate was talking to max and then Ben was.....sitting he was just sitting there staring at his food.

Awww he has no one to talk to.......well I better talk to him then

I got up and moved to the other side of the table so it would be easier to talk to him,

"Hi" I said as I sat next to him,

"Hi" he mumbled

It was silent well for us it was because the others were still talking I then had thought,

Is he new here? Because I've been at school for what a week? And I've never seen him maybe I should ask him and yeh I can bring a conversation

"I was wondering are you new here?" I asked

He didn't answer


"Ummm excuse me?" I asked

He blinked a few times and looked up at me,

"Yeh?" He asked

"I was wondering if you were new here"

"Yeh I cam yesterday"

"We're did you come from?" I asked

"Dose it matter?"

Well that's not rude

"I guess not" I smiled but he didn't smile all he did was look down

What's up with this kid? He seems so depressed

Then well guess guess what happened

Go on guess

Ok this is what happened

A monster

A freak'in monster decited to show up!

At this time!

People begin to scream and ran out the doors and everyone left except for Ben he just sat there staring at his food like he didn't know what was going on,

"Ben you've got to get out of here!"

He looked up

"Huh" he asked

"I said..."

But I didn't get to finish because suddenly he was sent flying across the room and he went slamming into the wall and I didn't see him moving,

"Ben!" I screamed

Scarlet and roxan had gone but violate stood there in horror well I couldn't blame her the monster had a disorded face sharp green teeth and a snake body not like medusa but it literally had a snake body but it had a humans head well I think it was a humans head but that's all a snake body and a head with no limbs it also had a red snake body and a green face with green hair,

"Voulate go!" I screamed

"She looked at me and nodded and ran

"Give it to me?" I hissed

"No I will never hand it over to evil" I yelled

And it hissed and said

"Then I shall kill you"

"You have to go throw me first" yelled Sally

"Fine then I will kill you first!" It hissed

What to do?


Hiya well that was chapter twelve I hope it wasn't boring!

Thanks for reading!

Have a good day!

Sorry if there are spelling and punctuation errors!



-angeergarang 👾💕💙🎉😎😀

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