Chapter twenty-nine

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Chapter Twenty-nine

"So you made it here? Why are you here?"

"I could say the same thing"

"Well I'm here to make sure you won't do anything stupid"

"Your the only stupid one here" I said

"Hm well shell we? I really don't want to fight a girl but I have to"

"No you don't! Your being deceived! We said nothing! There going to use the crystal to take over! Don't you see?!" I yelled

"What a lie they told us your capital was going to take over and rule everyone!"

"Then why haven't we done that yet? And we couldn't done that a long time ago can you answer that?!"

"They said you were just waiting for the right time"

"What time?!" I screamed

"Your birthday" he said

That's why they attacked on that day because I was supposed to be the ' day' we ruled the world?

"Your wrong"

"No now let us fight"

He then came at lightning speed I almost couldn't reflect it but I did and then the fight began.

Sally's pov:

It has been six hours last since we found the note the princess left and I knew we weren't far behind because he foot prints were fresh and there was fresh water on the ground I was so going to yell at her when I see her maybe even slap her she's giving me and her dad a heart attack especially when we saw the note seriously what was she thinking?

"Were nearly there" said a shoulder I nodded

We were just past the enemy's territory and trust me it was hard to sneak some guards found us big we took care if them we could see the mountain clearly

Were coming Celeste just be careful

Celeste's pov:

I was still fight with this stupid retard and he was a good very good finger and I was getting hurt a lot but I wasn't going to give up I couldn't give up or else everyone was going to get hurt and die I couldn't let that happen I was then pushed to the ground

"I won't give up no matter what"

"So pusistent"

"Of course I am the princess I will not give up I will protect the people and my loved ones with all my heart and not let you win". I yelled

And as I was saying it I had images of all my people and the people I loved and the memories I then felt the necklace grow hot I looked Down and it was glowing

(The bold italics is Celeste and the voice the crystal talking:))

Shell we do this together?

Said a voice


She'll we do this together I said

Who are you I thought

I am the crystal that's around your neck

The legend was true great grandpa you were right I thought to myself

Why? I asked it

Because your bravery and the will to never give up even when your hurt the amount you care for them made me decide to help you

Oh ok let's do this

I got up fast and started towards him our swords clashed and I Acserly pushed him backward

Was that you? I asked the crystal (were talking mentally)

Yes I did say I'd help


He got up and came towards me but he didn't notice I put my foot forward and he tripped sideways his sword sliding away from him I put my sward to his neck

Can you tie him I asked the crystal

Yes I'll get the earth to

Then the earth came on top of him and I put my weapon down he struggled but couldn't break free


Now can you....

Yes I know what to do

He then told me he begin and I talked

Everyone this is the truth of what I am showing you what the mages have been telling you I'd false we don't want to rule over everyone and for proof I'm about to throw my crystal in the volcano so no one will think I'm lying and then everything can go back to normal and don't worry we can rebuild our castles sorry that you thought we were the bad guys we shouldn't of killed you pr men but we had to to live I hope we can put this aside and look to the future and put this in the past and become friends again Thank you all for listening from princess Celeste may peace be with all.

When I was done I made it still put the image on there heads but before I throw it I said

I am sorry I have to do this

It is ok you are doing it for peace so I'll be fine with it and besides I'll just melt and go anyway

Ok bye

I then throw it in and it disappeared and same with the connection with me and everyone else

the princess of nulious and the celestrial stone.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن