Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

Celeste's pov:

At the hospital......

I was waiting out in the hall for an hour and a half and I am Sooo bored

Come on come on come on I thought

Finally a nurse came up and me and said,

"We've finish testing you can go in now"

"Thank-you" I said and smiled

I got up and went inside and Ben was laying there playing on his iPad I asked,

"Whatcha playing?"

Startled he looked up and answer,

"Temple run2" he said quietly

He looked down and started to go back to the game and play again I walked over to his bed and watched him play,

"I like it too...your really good at it" I said


He seemed to be more happy now because he had a tiny smile.

Maybe I should ask him why he was sad at lunch...before the incident

"Uh I have a question"

"Yeh?" He asked wearily

"How come you were sad at lunch today?"

He paused,

"It's nothing just got in trouble with a teacher that's all"

"And did you get a detention?" I asked

"Yeh two....when I didn't even do anything" he mumbled the last bit

Now it was silence awkward silence,

"My names Ben by the way"

What? Wait did he just say his name? Yes! I think I made a new friend!

"Oh yeh I know I'm Celeste"

"Nice name"

"Thanks" I said cheerfully

Then I noticed something shouldn't his parents be here by now I looked around the room and jumped his parents were in the room at the door staring at us it was creepy I smiled but they didn't smile back.

Well this Is awkward I think I better go

I turned

"Yeh I'll see you tomorrow"

He looked up and said


As I was leaving I turned back around and saw bens face. It looked scared and sad I turned back around and left they shut the door closed when right after I left.

What's up with them I thought

And because I was curios I just had to ease drop I cupped my hands over my hears and pressed the side of my face to the door and I could hear them...a little

"You got us dragged out of work!" I think the mum shouted

".......and why did you have to get in a fight?!" The dad yelled

"I didn't...."

"Well you did because........why must I have such a useless child"

"You are cleaning the lounge and going to clean the kitchen got it?"

"But....." Ben tried saying but his dad cut him off

"........and you better remember this but: you work for us you are like a maid do you understand?"

"Yes farther" Ben shouted

I herd a faint slapping sound and realised someone had slapped him,

"Don't yell at your farther or you parents for that matter!" His mum shouted

Yeh some parents you are

I decided I had heard enough and walked away was that why Ben was sad today? Because he had parents who don't love him I sighed and kept on walking

20 minutes later.......

"I'm home!" I yelled

I decided not to talk about what's been happening with Ben I thought It was for the best

Violate came walking up,

"How was he?"

"Fine and he acserly smiled! I think he's going to be my new friend"

"That's great news" violate said clapping her hands together

"Where's Sally?" I asked

"In her room do you forgive her?" Violate asked

"Yeh I'm not sad or angry anymore"

"That's good you go see her while I cook"

"Ok" I said

I walked to her door and knocked I heard a 'come in' so I opened the door and smiled and she smiled back and she asked

"You don't hate me do you?" She asked a bit nervous

"I could never hate you" I said

And we started to get in a conversation and we were talking until dinner was ready.


Sorry I didn't make it a good chapter because to be youngest I forgot because I got this idea and yeh

I will make the next one happy!


-angeergarang 👾💕💙🎉😎😀

the princess of nulious and the celestrial stone.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang