Diving School

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A.N.~~ I'm so sorry for not updating anything lately. I have just gotten a new laptop and it is now up and running. 
Please don't egg my house..... <.< (How do you know where I live?) 
Any who. Please enjoy this next chapter, and I really hope you like it. <3 Much Love.


          He seemed to get a hold of his embarrassment by the time we got to the beach. Luckily, there were very few people there. Unfortunately, there were people there. James was almost going crazy, as he was constantly scanning the crowd for potential threats, and trying to make sure no one was going to attack me. At the same time he was trying to keep me in view and attempting to swim casually. To me the first two were ridiculous, but I didn't mind having my own personal life guard. Although I could tell he was getting more and more irritated as the time passed. 
           Finally, he got fed up with it all. He practically carried me, my towel, and my bag to the truck. He then proceeded to take me down the road to a private cabin with its own little beach, which apparently he had rented/ bought for us. Insisting that I need not help push the raft out, I sat on the raft and watched as he single-handedly swam, pushed, and pulled it out to deep water. Can you say stubborn? Because I can. 
            Honestly, I was impressed, but I was not about to tell him that. Nor was I about to admit the fact that I had enjoyed being fussed over. Not that I had ever really been fussed over before in my life.
'It's just his job. Nothing more.' My inner self spoke up.
But yet somehow my mind and the stupid feeling in my chest wouldn't stop arguing. 
"There, that is much better." James sat on the raft about a foot away from me.

"I haven't seen you do anything besides float. Can you swim?" I asked as kindly as possible.
"You just saw me push this entire raft and you out here." He gave me a look of extreme patience. 
"No, I mean, like can you dive at all?" I wait as he thinks this over. 
"Sort of, I suppose. It's not that difficult of a principle to understand." 
         That's how he was, all facts.
      Standing up I execute an almost perfect dive off  of the opposite side that he is sitting on. 
        Once I resurfaced and look at him with a face of smug satisfaction, I see that his face is red again.
He points to my left.
                          As I turn my head I not only see but I feel what went wrong. And why you should never dive in a bikini. 
              The bottoms of my swim suit wasn't where it was supposed to be. And now my face was red. 

Once back in full clothes, I notice him looking at me, and suddenly everything is very funny. After a few moments of not being able to breath, I start snorting and covering my face in a vain attempt to hide my uncontrollable laughing. 
         Looking through my fingers at him to see his reaction, I notice he is smirking. Which of course makes me start laugh snorting again. And for the first time I see him smile. 
"I didn't know you snorted when you laughed." He said smiling. 
"I didn't know you had such a nice smile." I told him catching my breath.
           All at once it was like he realized he was being human, and suddenly his face was back to the blank slate that it usually was.
"We were trained not to smile unless called for. Now it actually takes a lot for me to smile anymore." His voice was almost regretful. I suddenly felt very sorry for him and there was a stab of pain in my chest again that I didn't want to acknowledge. 

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