The Enemy Within

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I was staring at my fathers grave stone, again. Then the gun shots, followed by the man that always terrified me. Only this time, when I was thrown into the truck, he wasn't alone.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A dark and sinister voice asked from the shadows. I tried to open the door next to me but it was locked and before I could unlock it, I was grabbed from behind.
His hand was over my mouth, so it muffled my cries, while his other hand roamed freely over my body.
"The boss said un-damaged." The man in the drivers seat told the dark voiced man.
"Ya, ya, I ain't doing nothing that'll hurt her."
I felt so violated I was crying. That's when the truck started shaking, and everything slipped away into darkness.
I could hear someone calling me but I couldn't move in the blackness.
"April!" I recognized Jame's voice, but he sounded worried.
I tried to tell him I was okay, but no sound came from my mouth.
A crashing sound came from somewhere and I jerked awake.
"April!" James burst through the door and was now pulling me out of the bed and onto the floor. Or was I already on the floor?
"James?" I mumbled.
"You were dreaming. It was just a nightmare." He had his hand on my shoulder and the other was supporting my head.
I finally woke up fully then, and I saw my arms. They were red from scratches and I was sitting on the floor by my bed.
"What did you do?" He asked seeing the damage I had done.
"I don't know." Was all I managed to get out before he had picked me up and was off to the bathroom with me in hand.
That's when I involuntarily noticed how strong he actually was. The man was like a wall of stone.
"What are you doing? I can walk!" I was shocked that he actually was even touching me.
"Calm down." He ordered in an irritated tone. The irritation was no doubt from my squirming.
He set me on the edge of the tub and set himself to getting all the cause and wraps out of the cupboard.
"I'm fine, really." I tried to tell him but he was already dabbing them with a warm wash cloth and putting antiseptic spray on my arms.
"What was in the nightmare?" He more demanded then asked.
"Just darkness." I lied. I looked at the tub and tried to memorize the tile pattern.
He tilted my face and looked into my eyes.
"What else?" He demanded again. His eyes were full of worry and impatience.
"The same thing, just slowly getting worse." I confessed to him.
Then he did something even more out of his character, he brushed his hand across my cheek and brought his thumb down to my chin.
"You will tell me the next time you have this dream." He looked so set, all I could do was nod my head.
His hand dropped to my neck and he fluffed a strand of my hair.
Then he was back to tending to my arms.
"I'll have to order a new door." He told me.
"Why?" I asked caught off guard.
"I sort of broke yours down getting to you." He told me a little sheepishly.
"Oh!" Was all that came out. I had forgotten I had locked my door.
After he was done I whispered thank you and went to go to my room.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked smirking.
"To bed." I mumbled sleepily.
Then I was being picked up again and carried to his room.
"Will you please let me walk?" I half yelled.
"I'm not letting you out of my sight." He said sternly.
I had nothing to say, so I let him put me into his bed, and watched him sit down on the floor by me.
"I'm sorry to be so much trouble." I told him softly.
"You aren't trouble. This isn't your fault." He turned his head slightly and I could see he had the same expression on his face as he did this morning.
Then without warning he took my hand, laid it on the edge of the bed and laid his head on it like it was his pillow.
"Stay here. Do not leave this bed, until I wake up." He ordered me.
"Yes sir." I couldn't help but smirk a little.
I couldn't fall asleep as quickly as he did, but by the time I counted to fifty or so, I was dreaming of sunsets and his blue eyes.

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