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Chapter 10

Ringo's POV

I know what Missy and I did to Dennis was wrong but in a way it was the right thing to do. Missy was my first actual love as George was too but Missy was honestly the only person who I deeply loved. George even had the audacity to cheat on me with my wifebut I was just as bad cheating with him, Maureen and now Missy. Some love triangle that was but really I wanted Missy.

"You think it will be safe for me to be on a flight pregnant?" Missy shifted in her seat.

'You have to tell her' My thoughts took over as it once did many years before reminding me the pain I endured after loosing her. 

"Um Missy?" I forced out anxiously turning my head to her.

Missy happily grinned exposing her perfect whitened teeth "What is it my love?" 

I couldn't handle such beauty, my words would tear her apart and it would hurt me so bad to see that beauty leave again forever.

'Do it, don't think of what if think of the now' 

Taking a deep breath in I forced myself to be the man I thought I would never be "Missy I have a secret to confess which I failed to admit back before you married Dennis. You knew I had a secret and you were right and sadly this secret is what tore us apart because I was a twat and wouldn't tell you the truth" I paused looking Missy in the eyes "Missy I am or was bisexual...with George" I boldly confessed surprised that the words had finally rolled off my tongue after being caged in for so many years.

Missy's smile faded and she gave me a look that I could not read at all. "Rings I-" she tried to think of the right words. 'Oh no this was it' Missy bit her lip slightly as she sighed quietly "Ringo we got ourselves in a big fucked up mess. We were children back then and I was selfish." she paused giving a slight smile "And you were scared...you needed time to mature as I was and everyone else. I learned from my stupid idiotic mistakes and I am sure you have as well"

Her hand grasped mine entwining our fingers together "Ringo, I am willing to forget all that and leave it in the past. Right now I want to start over and live the rest of my life with you" 

My eyes watered with tears of joy, she was giving me a chance that I did not deserve. "Thank You Missy" I smiled widely. 

She pecked my nose then quickly pulled away "Your welcome but Ringo to fulfill our dream you need to tell Maureen and work it out with her first" she reminded in a serious tone. 

Despite catching her with George you would think I would be down to do that but inside I was afraid yet if I could stand up and tell Missy about George and I, telling Maureen about Missy and I should be nothing. I had to do it for Missy and our child that was to be born.

I nodded my head in agreement "Yes you are right" I smiled

Back in Liverpool I took the chance and marched in my home with Missy to confess everything to Maureen. 

As we walked in we found Maureen feeding Zak lunch in the dinning room alone. 

Her eyes lit up when I came into her sight yet as Missy stepped beside me she cocked her head to her with a hateful glare.

"Isn't that the one Beach boy wife?" she turned her head to Zak showing she had no care "Or in other words your ex?"

I cleared my throat standing strong "Maureen we need to talk" Missy softly interjected "I'll feed your son while you two talk if you'd like" 

Maureen shot her an annoyed looked "I don't even know you, why would I trust you with our son?" 

Missy stayed calm and gentle "I was only trying to help" 

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