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Chapter 6

Missy pov

The next morning I woke up by Ringos bare chest it was like the first time he and I had been together. I knew I had to leave and I knew Dennis would flip since I was out in our wedding night. I then quickly got up and threw on my clothes which I wore for the wedding as I got to the door I quickly left a note on a small shelf next to Ringo for him to read. I then closed the door silently as I whispered "goodbye"

A week then passed by and the Beatles had gone back to gloomy Liverpool. Dennis let that night pass as I kept quiet about Ringo and I.

"You hungry?" Dennis asked as he picked up my untouched bowl of soup.

"No, I don't feel well"  I sighed

Dennis studied me "Missy you haven't been well for three days."

I looked up at him suddenly feeling sick.

"I ju...." suddenly I had an urge to throw up so I immediately ran to the bathroom.

Dennis followed and put his hand on my back as I leaned over the toilet.

"Do you think you have the stomach flu?"

I shook my head as I wiped my mouth slowly "I don't know, usually stomach flus last twenty four hours"

Dennis's eyes grew wide "maybe your pregnant" he smiled excitedly

"I don't know I...." he cut me off

"Get ready I'll take you to the doctor. Im going to be a dad!" He shouted happily as I sighed.

Before we knew it we were in the doctors office.

"Its positive Missy, Dennis and you will officially be parents, congratulation"

I smiled feeling something wasn't right .

"Sir, how long does it takes for the symptoms to start?" I asked the doctor politely

He thought for a minute "average is a week after latest which is rare is two weeks after"

I thought for a moment realizing Dennis and I last did it was a month ago. Then Ringo popped into my head when a week ago I had slept with him. "It has to be him" I thought "shit"

Dennis hugged me and lightly laid his hand on my stomach "hello little one" he smiled

I smiled nervously knowing Ringo was the father I had to tell him.

Ringo Pov

"Ringo I missed ye" Maureen yelled as she hugged me tight

I smiled faintly "I missed ye too"

She studied me "why such a long face?"

"Oh nothing" I sighed thinking about Missy

"Oh, well Zak missed ye." She smiled

"I missed him to"

"Oh and someone was calling ye from America, Missy I think her name was. She said ye two have been mates for a while"

My eyes opened wide

I then ran to the phone as Maureen followed in confusion.

"Is she still on the line?" I asked desperately

"No she said she was gonna call back in five minutes" she answered in confusion.

Just as she said the phone rang. I immediately answered

"ELLO?" I shouted in excitement

"I can hear you fine" she answered

"How are ye?" I asked softly

Suddenly the mood changed

"Uh Ringo?" she asked nervously

"Yes, whats wrong?" I asked worried

"Is there people around you?" She asked in a shakey voice.

I then turned to Maureen and covered the phone.

"She is my adopted sister, she's in trouble can ye give us a minute?"

She studied me "sure" she replied slowly as she walked out of the room.

I then returned to Missy "no one is around"

She took a breath "im pregnant "

I went into confusion "congrats ?"

She sighed "no Ringo,the baby is yours"

I froze in silence.

"Ringo?" She asked nervously with fear in her throat.

I went on "does Dennis know?"


"I don't know what to say" I said while wondering what to do

"Ringo" she cried

I then spoke calmly to her "Missy I love ye and only ye I will do something and I will not leave ye. I'll tell the boys I have to take a vacation"

"And Maureen?" she sobbed

"I'll tell her I need a break, I will come to visit ye"

She sobbed

"Missy its okay it happened and I will support ye, I have to go and please trust me"

"Okay" she forced herself to reply bravely

"I love ye"

"I love ye to"

I then put down the phone and took a breath "it will be fine, I love Missy. I lost her then get her back" I told myself.

I then made my way into the kitchen. As I entered my  eyes opened to the worst surprise.

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