Get Back (Sequal to Act Naturally

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chapter 1

Missy POV

Today was my day and is my day. I will soon become Mrs. Wilson. Why am I not happy? I will tell you why on this very day in San Francisco where I am to be Wed, the Beatles will be in town playing one last time at candlelight park Amphitheatre which is a block from my lovely church where I am to be Wed to Dennis Wilson aka former Beach boy drummer . Now the Beatles aren't bad but when you knew poor Ringo all your life and was in love with him even after you said goodbye to eachother you'd understand. He even has a beautiful wife and a lovely son now. why do I still love him?  Dennis is my one and only now, it just doesn't feel right.

"Mam a young man will like to congratulate you may I show him in?"

"why not?" I sighed as I turned from the mirror still in my silk short sleeping gown.

My eyes grew wide in shock when the Beatle  I once loved and still did walked in.

"ello love" he greeted shyly with a hint of regret

I quickly answered with shock mixed with confusion

"Richard I mean Ringo..what are you doing here?"

"I've come to congradulate you"

"for what? I asked mindlessly

"Your marriage"

I chuckled nervously "oh. um thanks. you should leave now. your wife must be worried sick after all you have a concert later"

"my wife and son are back in Liverpool" he answerd calmly and bravely

"oh well the boys need You don't they?"I asked nervously

He cleared his throat "yer right sorry I interrupted your day. I hope I was no burden"  he snapped

He walked to the door as a tear fell from his eye "don't marry someone you don't love"

he quickly walked out as anger and pain filled me.

"a  "asswhole" I yelled forcing myself not to get out of hand

opened my old suitcase immediately, and opened a hidden pocket filled with pictures of me and Ringo. I pulled out a picture of me and him after he came back from Hamburg.

I felt pain in my heart as I remembered the moment.

I shook my head "this is the past" I told myself.

(I hope you enjoy this sequel. please vote and read I promise I will update this book when I can. iLY please keep reading fellow Beatle friends :) love)

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