The Real Truth

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Chapter 3

Ringo POV

I waited at the cafe in a small booth by a large window with George.

"forget it she's not coming" I mumbled

"it takes time to get dressed Rings" George

reminded me calmly.


George snickered "its not like yer going to ask her to marry"

I glared at him "I can't ask her to marry me anyway. she is getting married"

"calm yerself. I knew that,that is why I said that Rings, its a joke" George replied with calmness

"not a good joke ye bloody arse" I said with frustration

Suddenly I felt a soft calm poke on my shoulder. I nervously turned around seeing my true love before me.

"ello love" I greeted hiding my nerves

" may I sit?"

I quickly sprang up as George held in chuckle.

"of course" I guided her  next to George.

It then went silent.

George looked at me and her. He then gave a smirk

"well I better be off" he said getting up from the booth.

I glared at him as he gave me a wink.

silence rose again once George had left.

"may I take your order?"

Missy and I shot our heads to the lady.

The lady looked confused  "a little more time?"

"YES" Missy and I replied together

the lady then looked startled and immediately disappeared.

"that was strange"  Missy said nervously

I chuckled softly "yeah"

I quickly went on taking the chance to break the silence.

I looked into her eyes as she did to me

"im sorry about what I said earlier. im really happy for you"

she looked down as a frown grew on her face "its ok"

immediately my heart took over my mouth

"Missy I Love you"

she looked up with pain in her eyes

"why did you let me go?"

The truth started blurring out of my mouth "I was scared to tell you what I was hiding from you"

a tear formed in her eye.

"its to late I must get back to where I belong."

She immediately stood up and began to walk out as I sprung up and pulled her close to me.

"ye belong with me"

She looked into my eyes with love, our love.

I moved in to give her a kiss but she pulled away and faced the other way and continued to speak.

"whats the truth?"

I took a breath then fought my fear.

"I was once queer"

She turned around and looked into my eyes with guilt.

"Ringo, why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."

"I was scared ye would have leaved me"

She continued  to keep eye contact

"Ringo I wouldn't have. If you had told me I would've stayed and helped"

I looked into her eyes with happiness

"you havr. you are ,here with me thats all I need to know.

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