Chapter 20

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Authors note: So the past two chapters haven't been exciting. It will start to pick up. The past chapters have been a way for me to let time pass and for you to get a general idea of how their relationship has grown. Winter is the perfect time for it since not much is done in the winter time. Onward. Hope you read and enjoy.

Talking in the night

Thranduil came every other week to her home. He still persisted to say it was for some other reason than to just talk. The male had some serious problems so far as admitting that he needed a friend. She didn't mind though so long as he didn't so good at hiding things from her that he couldn't see through them.

'he wears no mask that I can not see benneath.'

She would sit in her home and talk with him. Other times they would walk. A few times she would show him something unique. Tonight was one of those instances. She had showed him somethign she had thought he could enjoy. Remembering how much elves liked the stars and thinking on where he lived and how the sky could rarely be seen benneath the canopy of trees.

The point above a cliff gave a panorama view of the valley below and the ridge of the mountains across the valley. A ledge gave a good place to watch the stars pass over head. He had been hesitant to stand upon it. He had eventually come around and had seemed shock to look up and see the number and clarity of stars.

He lay one way and she lay another. His eyes seemed glued to the stars above she was nodding off. Drowsiness was taking its toll in the early hours of the night or was it day? She shifted one way and then the other until she curled herself around his legs and lay her head upon his crossed ankles. She drifted on into sleep not noticing Thranduil turning his gaze to her.


She had wrapped herself around his legs, so startled by the contact that he had taken his gaze from the beautiful night sky above him. The feline seemed as comfortable as she would be on a feather and down matress covered in silk. He found himself smiling at her ability to sleep just about anywhere comfortably. He knew that a few months prior he would have pryed her off him and walked away insulted at her audacity in touching him. He saw her people more clearly now that he had been in closer contact with them. They were extremly touch oriented.

He didn't mind it so much anymore. This winter he had enjoyed the quite months in doors because he found himself anticipating visiting her. He found himself eager to share her company. She always seemed welcoming and happy to see him. She never begrudged him his need for conversation and escape form boredom. She always managed to intrest him in the way her mind worked. She always intriged him with her obvious nobility and lack of decorum.

All these things he wondered. The scars on her back and the connection to Bolg and Azog. The obvious nervousness she showed at eating so near to others. Her hate of him calling her pet while he caged her. The agrssiveness she showed while being in the cage. Her obvious mind for being a leader and organizing her people and supplies.

She was so strange. Prehaps it was his thoughts at that moment but he rose up and gentle dislogded her from him. Gathering her in his arms he moved closer to the cliff side placing his back to it and holding her to lean into him. He closed his eyes at ease. How long had it been since he had allowed himself physical contact with someone? Years or decades? He had forgotten it had been so long ago and inconsequencial.

He drifted off into sleep soaking up the contact however neutral it was. It was only now with no one to see that he could allow him self this break in control. It was only when eyes weren't upon him that he would allow himself to be anything other than the cold frost king. The king of a people in decline. The king living in his kingdom in a dark enchanted forest living in isolation.

'only under starlight will i allow this reprieve for myself'


She woke with the light of dawn rising before them. She woke to find herself wraped tightly to Thranduil's side. His head laid upon hers his body supporting hers. A platonic embrace but it made her cat purr in pleasure at the closeness her mate allowed them to be. She saw the dawn rise bright and clear. She nudged his chin lightly with her forehead, a catlike action. He woke instantly groggily looking around.

"It seems we have seen the night through warm at least." he murmmered his voice rough from the sleep still lingering in his voice.

"Yes and what a beautiful sunrise." she commented as she pulled herself away and stood strectching languidly to rid her self of the small stiffness she felt.

"Yes it is its hard for me to remember one that I have seen in such clarity that this one."

"it's upon the coldest days and  in the coldest winters that the best clarity of view is seen. " she imparted her philosopy onto him. "The same is said for the coldest of people. They have a clarity of character a certain honesty however brutal in their personality that I can respect. Simply because they are not just brutally honest and distant form everyone around them they are also the same to themselves and they suffer from this cold nature of theirs."

She held her hand out and helped him up noting his wince as he strectched out his back. The action broke their searchig gazing into each others eyes. She smiled thinking of a certain aspect of his nature she could joke him on.

"Hurry up old man time to break our fast and mirkwood is waiting for you." She said nudging his arm playfully.

She heard him mutter something under his breath. "Old man indeed! Sleeping out in the wilds on a rock ledge! With a taciturn she beat at my side! Old and senial indeed."

She held back the chuckles she felt rising inside her.

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