Chapter 4 - Evil version

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I know some of you guys said I was writing this story a bit fast, so I will try to slow down a bit more. I apologize, and I hope you like this chapter.  

Laxus chuckled at Y/N's response. Y/N tried sitting up but just fell back into Laxus's arms. She hissed in pain and gripped Laxus's fur coat. 

"Don't move, we need to cover this. She's losing too much blood." Laxus was about to rip off a piece of cloth but stopped seeing Y/N's hand grab his. He looked at her and she gave him a nervous look. 

"Laxus please don't let go of my hand," She pleaded. Laxus gave her a confused look but held her hand. 

"Y/N what are you doi-OW!" Laxus started to question her but yelled in pain. She gripped his hand so tight it started to hurt his hand. Laxus looked at her stomach and saw her searing the wound closed with her fire magic. Once it was completely sealed she let go of his hand and he sighed. "Why couldn't you have held Gajeel's hand!? That fricking hurt!" Laxus complained and held his hand. 

"Because you're my boyfriend not him so shut up and deal with it!" Y/N slowly sat up and pushed herself out of his arms. She weakly stood up and leaned against the rock behind them. Laxus stood near her in case she's fall again and so did Gajeel. 

"What do we do now?" Gajeel asked. Laxus pointed to where Tempest's body was. His eyes widened and so did Y/N's. 

"Where'd he go!?" Laxus yelled and looked around. Before anyone could answer Y/N screamed. Tempest came from behind and pulled Y/N away from the group. Laxus looked up and saw Tempest across from him holding Y/N from her hair. She tried pulling him off but when she lifted her arm her stomach would be in more pain. "You let her go!" Laxus yelled with lightning surrounding him. Gajeel glared at him seeing Tempest glare at Laxus. 

"You should be dead." Tempest pointed to Laxus. "You inhaled the anti-magic particles, your intestines should be destroyed." 

"I should be at home with a beer right now sitting with my girlfriend. Looks like we all don't get what we want. Now, let her go." Laxus demanded once again. Tempest looked at Y/N then back to Laxus. 

"Let her go? Alright," Tempest lifted Y/N's body in the air by just her hair still and threw her body behind him at sharp shards of rocks as if she weighed nothing. 

"AAHHH!!" She screamed in pain and saw that a rock cut through her wound opening it up once again. Gajeel tried running to her but was stopped from Tempest sending a tornado like attack to him. Laxus started to run at Y/N again seeing her crying and groaning in pain. 

"Y/N I'm coming!" He shouted. Laxus was so close and then punched back farther away from her. 

"You're fighting me, you're life ends now." Tempest punched him again. Laxus fell to the ground and Tempest tried kicking him but Laxus rolled to the side and jumped up. Laxus punched his side and kicked him in the face. Tempest flew backward giving Laxus a chance to get to Y/N. He saw her eyes closing and his heart beat sped up. 

"No," He whispered. Her hands were slowly relaxing and her eyes completely closed. Laxus takes advantage of Tempest being away from him and runs as fast as he can to Y/N. His coat flew off now leaving him shirtless. (I HAD TOO!!!!!)  "Y/N open your eyes. Y/N open your eyes! Y/N!" Laxus shook her body in fear that she is dead. Y/N's breathing stopped and her hand fell lifeless. Laxus pulled her body up and held her against his chest. Her arms dangled with no movement and her head on his shoulder. Laxus's hid his face in her neck and sobbed. "Y/N," Tempest walked up behind Laxus and lifted his fist that's covered in flames. 

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