Chapter 5

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Hello everyone! Sorry that I've been out for a while but I've been juggling fanfics. I managed to get back to this one before I hit the 30 day mark haha.

To jemxmarcial: You're killing me with this review! I'm so honoured that this is your favourite fanfic and I'm so glad that I made you happy. And don't be sad about where this is going, the story is longer than you think. ;)

Anyway, for all the people who've been waiting...


Chapter 5

It was the alarm that Akashi woke up to the next morning at seven on the dot. It was an ungodly sound that penetrated eardrums, a noise so obnoxious that he couldn't help but pull the covers over his head. It was playing for a good ten seconds before he couldn't take it anymore. That alarm was a type of default ringtone of some sort set to maximum volume guaranteed to annoy whoever heard it, and Akashi was most definitely annoyed. But it certainly did its job, which is why he didn't change the sound of the alarm to something less unpleasant, otherwise, he'd never wake up. Akashi awoke and opened bleary eyes, trying to look around for his phone, taking three tries to grab the device off his table and shut off his alarm. It was only when the alarm was shut off that he sat up and began to stretch out his body.

"Your phone is noisy," a voice muffled. Akashi looked down and found two heterochromatic eyes glaring at him from under the duvet.

"Good morning to you too," Akashi replied drily. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did until your phone went off," said Bokushi. The Rakuzan captain rolled his eyes.

"I get the message, my phone is loud. But that's what an alarm is supposed to be. I'm afraid you'll have to bear with it until the end of the week." He heard what he imagined being a moan of disapproval before shaking his head and standing up from the bed.

"Come on, you have to get dressed too."

"Perhaps some other time," Bokushi said, curling further in on himself under the covers. "I don't do mornings."

"So I've heard," said Akashi. Regardless of which personality was in control of his body, there was one characteristic about him that never changed. He was always weak to mornings. It would take something pretty important to get him out of bed in the morning, and whenever there were no impending duties to tend to, he was most likely sleeping in order to make up for all the time he spent staying up late to do something. This would not be an easy task had Bokushi been the same size. But he was much smaller now and much lighter, so whether or not he complied with him, he could easily just lift him out of bed and take him to the closet to choose what to wear, which is exactly what he did. Bokushi was not happy.

"Put me down this instant," he commanded.

"I refuse," said Akashi. "You can sleep all you want after you get dressed, brush your teeth, and eat something."


Reluctantly, Bokushi went along with the whole ordeal, pointing to the clothes he wanted to wear before joining Akashi in the bathroom to brush his teeth. Then, Akashi went to go bring some breakfast for the both of them. It had to be eaten in his room of course because Akashi was trying not to risk anyone seeing him still, even though most times no one was in the kitchen in the morning, but Akashi just wanted to be safe. They spent most of breakfast conversing with one another. Well, it was just more of Bokushi complaining about how small the bed was and how Akashi left him virtually no space, and Akashi was pondering whether or not he should inform Bokushi of his rather interesting sleeping habits. Of all the people who should be complaining, it should be Akashi and not him. However, there was something endearing about all of it, and it was nice, almost reassuring to know that even his supposedly perfect other self had quirks of his own. After that, Bokushi didn't seem tired anymore and was now wide awake. When they finished breakfast, he sat on the bed while he watched Akashi adjusted his black tie and put on his school blazer.

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