Chapter 12

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I have returned from the battlefield.

What's good beautiful people? I have come to update again! Apparently the last chapter was really popular because I got more reviews than usual, and I'm really happy that you guys liked it! With that being said, time to address some reviews!

To the guest named Hillary: He probably will in the future, don't worry.

And to agirlwithgoodergrammar: Thank you so much for the reviews! I appreciate your response so much and I absolutely loved reading all three. And to answer your question, the other GoM are going to meet him at other points (WHEN specifically I'm not sure HAHA sorry) but don't worry. I won't leave the other basketball idiots out of all the fun. And going by the canon plot, I suppose yes, Bokushi did give back his Emperor Eye to Akashi, but that doesn't mean he can't play. It just means he can't see the future (although because seeing the future is literally not possible in real life I don't necessarily know how this could affect his play style because he doesn't really need the Emperor Eye to Ankle Break, predicting other people's moves is just a skill you can learn through training sooo *shrugs* but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

ANYHOW just telling you in advance, this is 1: the longest chapter I've done for this story so far, and 2: it's super fluffy and emotional (not even sorry), but yeah. I guess that's all there is to say. Now without further ado...

Please enjoy!

Chapter 12

It was early in the morning, and the birds were already chirping as the sun began to rise. It was very quiet in the Akashi mansion, not a single sound could be heard. In his room, Bokushi turned over in bed and opened bleary eyes. The room was still slightly dark but there was a little bit of light filtering through the curtains. There was a clock on his bedside table. Peering at it, he only saw that it was half past seven; yet for some reason, he had no desire to sleep anymore. Today was the day. The day that Akashi left for school again. He was to leave in the evening if he remembered correctly. And he was to return after the school year had come to a close. Bokushi decided that he would rather focus on getting ready instead of thinking about his older brother's departure. With that, he pulled himself onto his knees, and looked down at his bed before gathering the energy to step off, his mind set on heading to the bathroom to wash up. As he slid off the bed, he stepped onto the floor and registered a horse plush lying there on the bed. The horse plush. His horse plush. Who has been dubbed with the name 'Yuki'. He was looking at it for a while, as if he intended to have a staring contest with the thing. He was perhaps still registering the fact that this stuffed toy was his now. He was also perhaps still registering the fact that he was the one who wanted it. He still remembered the day before, standing face to face with Akashi in the toy store as he gave him a lecture about feelings of all things. Bokushi swore he had never felt more embarrassed about wanting something in his entire existence. Yet here he was, eyeing the object for an unnecessary amount of time, suddenly thinking back to the many things Miyoko had said the day before.

"Do you have a special friend you take everywhere?"

"You don't have one? Let's get you one then!"

"Everyone needs a special friend to carry around."

"Always keep it with you for extra luck!"

He frowned slightly, shaking his head. "What nonsense," he muttered.

He finally turned on his heels and headed towards the bathroom, but in doing so he stopped and turned around to look at Yuki one more time. In that span of time, he seemed to be having a battle with himself, thinking about what to do with the stuffed toy. Then, once a few seconds were up, he sighed in resignation and reached for Yuki before dragging the stuffed toy off the bed and taking it with him. A low growl bubbled in his throat as he opened the bathroom door.

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