Chapter 13

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Hello, it's been a while!

Sorry, I got caught up in a lot of things in the past month so this chapter took longer than expected. I'm also visiting my family for the holidays so I've been busy since. Not to mention the fact that we have guests here and more incoming after Christmas. But anyway, that doesn't matter now.

I thank everyone who reviewed on the last chapter. I deeply appreciate your support and hope I can continue to make this an enjoyable story for you. So until the end, please bear with me! And to answer some questions...

To LittleChibi1009: The GoM will be showing up soon in the story, so do stay tuned!

To the guest Xion: Thank you so much for your review (and for calling me Author-san because I am absolutely in love with this name) and I will gladly pay for your funeral when you die over the cuteness. What flowers do you want? Also what color do you want your coffin?

Anyway, enough of my blurb. Without further ado...

Please enjoy!

Chapter 13

For the first time in his entire existence, Bokushi woke up alone. It was morning once again. Monday morning to be precise. And it was only when Bokushi turned and saw no one next to him did he remember the event that occurred the night before. Akashi was already back in school, and Bokushi had remained in Tokyo, awaiting for his return. As Bokushi lay there on his side, he realized how strange it was to not feel Akashi's presence next to him, to not hear that light breathing next to him when he was sleeping, or see that mop of red unruly hair sticking out of the duvet. It was slightly difficult to get used to, considering the fact that they were always together. It was only a matter of time before this was normal to him. He sat upright and stretched before sliding out of his bed and making his way to the bathroom.

As he stepped in and set Yuki down on the table to look at himself in the mirror, he recalled the phone call he had with Akashi the night before. It was a long call, Bokushi could recall being on the phone for a good half hour. It was basically Akashi just talking about the train ride there and other miscellaneous things in between. The call would have been much shorter had the Uncrowned Kings not bust through Akashi's door and flooded him with questions about his weekend, until ten seconds later they saw he was taking a phone call. And then when Akashi explained that he was talking to Bokushi, they took the phone from Akashi altogether and started talking to the boy themselves. It was relatively entertaining, talking to his former teammates like that, but Akashi eventually had to cut the call short, since the other three were draining his phone battery. With that, they said their farewells, Akashi promising to talk another time and Bokushi telling him not to forget.

Now, as Bokushi got ready for the day, he thought it strange to be in such silence. He wondered when he started preferring the idle conversation with Akashi than sitting in silence like he always did in Akashi's subconscious, or when he started wanting company instead of solitude. Even as he turned on the tap and closed the drain to gather some cold water to splash on his face, he began to wonder to himself why he was suddenly looking forward to having conversations with the older boy and why he was already thinking about what to talk about the next time that Akashi called. Not to mention that the thought of Akashi possibly not calling that night irritated him for some reason. He had become more thawed in the past week than he had ever been in his five years of existence. Once the realization had hit him during the weekend, he had been bemoaning it ever since. Since when did he ever have 'feelings'? He was an emotionless superior being before, securing victory in any and all things. But after the Winter Cup, he suddenly has feelings he can't handle, and now they've spiraled out of control.

Bokushi never thought of it before, but now that he thinks back to the week he spent in Kyoto, he really did seem like the perfect 'otouto' figure. (Mostly) obedient, followed Akashi around like a puppy, called him 'Seijuro-nii' and showed at least some form of affection. If he was still the same Bokushi from before the Winter Cup, he would have rather died than get caught doing any of those things, let alone all of them. The Bokushi from before, it was him making people obey. It was him who did the leading and the others followed. It was him making people respect him regardless of whether it was out of admiration or fear. And if there was any type of affection at all, it most certainly wouldn't be coming from him. If he hadn't changed from before, he would have thought this type of behavior pathetic and childish. He wouldn't be wrong, in some respects. Not even his teammates, his friends, would do that. He ran to hug Akashi in the rain last night for crying out loud. The more he Bokushi thought about it, the more it sounded like something straight out of a page of Mayuzumi's light novels. And the more he thought about that...ugh.

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