Chapter 7

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It's only been 24 hours and I'm back with an update? What is this? How did I get so damn motivated?

What's good everyone? I am tired as hell and it's 2 a.m. so I'm gonna sleep after this. I would have finished this earlier, but I was out of the house for like 3 hours and shit just hit the fan. But oh well. I'm here now.

To Roseheart37819: Thank you so much, I'm really flattered that you'd credit me! And don't worry, I don't need a hospital (yet HAHA) my sleep schedule is always messed up so I think my body just got over itself. I'll probably wake up fine tomorrow anyway.

So without further ado, let the chapter commence!

Chapter 7

After the slight delay, the two brothers did end up making it to the train station in the nick of time. So all in all, Akashi would say their trip was successful...except for one thing. Ever since they left Mayuzumi's room, Bokushi had not talked to him at all. Even when Akashi attempted to initiate a conversation, Bokushi never replied back. So the ride to the station was more than tense.

The train ride was just as bad, no, it was way worse. Two hours and ten minutes of complete silence. No matter how hard Akashi tried, he couldn't get a single word out of Bokushi. He didn't even look him in the eyes. It got to a point where Akashi just gave up and left him to his own devices, staring out the window as he figured out what he should do.

When the train finally arrived in Tokyo, the two of them stepped down onto the platform and began making their way toward the exit. Akashi looked down to where Bokushi was walking next to him. He was keeping his distance, putting at least a foot of space between them. He sighed. There must be some way that he could reach out to him. He wanted to resolve the issue right then and there, he didn't want to go home with all this still clouding his mind. Maybe they could stop somewhere to eat, that would give them plenty of time to smooth out their differences. And he believed he knew somewhere nearby.


Akashi didn't know how he always ended up in Maji Burger when he came to visit Tokyo, but he thinks it's because it used to be a usual hangout spot for the Miracles back in middle school when they all still hung out after practice. It was almost nostalgic when he thought about it. As Akashi brought their food to the table and sat down, he watched as Bokushi took it wordlessly and began to eat in silence. Akashi tried to start off with small talk to see if he was able to get the ball rolling.

"So, Bokushi," Akashi began. "How is the food?"

Bokushi swallowed before opening his mouth. Akashi perked up, curious to hear what he'd say, but he realized he only opened his mouth to take another bite of his burger. The Rakuzan captain bit his lip and tried again.

"Is everything alright, Bokushi?" He didn't get an answer, but he saw the look that Bokushi shot him, a sharp glance that basically said 'Do not continue.' Akashi looked down at the table. He really didn't want to talk to him after all.

"Akashi-kun, what a pleasant surprise."

Akashi's eyes shot up and looked to his immediate left where the voice came from and saw none other than the Phantom Sixth Man standing there. How long had he been there for, anyway?

"Kuroko," Akashi said, still a bit stunned by the teal-haired teenager's sudden appearance. "It is a surprise, to say the least. And with you is..." His eyes shifted to the space next to Kuroko which was occupied by his current light.

"Kagami Taiga. It's good to see you again."

"Oh, yeah, it's been a while, Akashi," said Kagami. "But uh...there's something that's bothering me..." He gazed over to the young red-headed boy opposite Akashi. "Who is that?"

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