Chapter 15

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The things I do for you people...

Hello! It is almost 3 am but I was determined to finish this chapter today because reasons. So yeah. Here I am.

I thank you all for waiting, I didn't let three weeks go by this time so I guess that counts as a victory? Well, I hope so. Anyway, time to answer some reviews!

To TheSilverHunt3r: Me too my dude. Me too.

To agirlwithgoodergrammar: Did... Did you literally almost correctly guess the epilogue I was planning to do? Because I was most definitely going to do a little epilogue where they've grown up. 500 brownie points to you, girl! *gives you a gold star*

To the guest Xion: I AM ACTUALLY DYING FROM THIS LONG ASS REVIEW HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I am so happy you made this review because it made my entire week reading your reactions to my two previous chapters. I'm so flattered you liked them! And thank you for telling me what flowers and coffin you wanted for your funeral. I will get onto ordering an Akashi coffin immediately. Please do prepare your life support. (Also thank you for actually giving me a hell yeah I laughed so hard when I read that.)

Anyway, prepare yourselves for a feels roller coaster. Don't say I didn't warn you!


Chapter 15

Masaomi sighed as he sat down in a chair near the entrance of their garden. He had been holed up in his office for six hours doing nothing but sorting out paperwork and taking phone calls with business partners. After finally ending the last call and putting his pen down, he took the first chance he got to take a short break. He immediately exited his office and made his way straight outside, where he sat down in one of the seats there. Once the butler had come around with a cup of tea for him, he was left to sit out in the garden in peace. Taking a long sip of the tea, he revered in its calming flavor and allowed his drink to warm him from the inside.

He always came out to the garden to wind down; if it was too cold, he'd sit by the window and stare out into the garden instead. It was something that Masaomi always did, so he could temporarily relieve himself of his duties. It was one of the only times a day he truly had to himself.

At this point in time, it had almost been two weeks since his son left for school. The halfway mark should be coming up in a few days. As soon as Akashi had left, many things had begun to change in the house. Left with his peculiar other self, Masaomi could admit, he was intrigued about the situation. Not enough to think about it for more than five minutes at a time—he was too busy for that— but every time he saw the boy, he couldn't help but wonder about him. Ever since Akashi left, Bokushi had been spending more and more time out of the house. To that Midorima boy's house, the man recalled.

Bokushi, more often than not, was going out to his house to spend time with his new friend that he had informed him about. At least twice a week now, when Masaomi asked him what he did all day, the boy would tell him that he spent his day at their house. The last time they talked the night before during dinner, Bokushi had told him that he was currently teaching the girl basketball. He, of course, felt the need to bluntly point out that she initially made a lot of mistakes, but then told him that she was making progress, more than he expected. Masaomi at the time had just nodded his head and replied with his usual "I see" before going back to his food.

Masaomi, going by the knowledge he already had about his son's condition, assumed Bokushi was the colder personality. But it seemed like that was not the case. He suspected that he too was also changing in not only the time he spent together with Akashi, but in the time they were currently spending apart. Through their short conversations at the dinner tables, Bokushi seems to enjoy his time socializing with the friends he currently has. And even he on occasion was a bit expressive. Albeit less than Akashi, but still expressive. While there were some things he knew, there were still some things that he didn't know, such as what happened in order for this 'other self' to switch with the original Akashi in the first place, or why they switched again after two years. While he understood the big picture, he still had missing information. What really was this boy to his son?

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