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I'm tired. 

You wouldn't think it would be that tiring, working at a museum. An insectarium, to be precise. 

But it wasn't really what I'd thought it would be. It involved a lot more running around and fetching things and talking to people than it did actually caring for the spiders. Nothing's ever really how you think it will be, is it?

I need a little pick-me-up, so I get in my car, which I've named Mindfang, because Mindfang is a frickin' awesome name for a car, and head over to Starbucks. 

It's not very crowded, which I'm glad of, because it means I can get my cappuccino and settle down in one of the booths with a drink and my phone without somebody trying to talk to me.

I head over to the counter, looking down as I rummage through my wallet. "One cappuccino, please." I say dismissively to the cashier without looking at them.

"...Jesus fucking Christ."

I look up, frowning, but the man at the cashier has turned so I can only see his mop of short black hair as he walks briskly away from me.

"Hey can I have my break early? This is really important, I, uh," He starts loudly asking someone back in the kitchen, but it's too late. I recognize him.

"...Karkat?" I ask in disbelief.

I see muscles in his jaw twitch, and then he slowly turns to face me. He's wearing an apron. "What can I do for you?"

I can't help it. I burst out in laughter. "You're a cashier at Starbucks?" I manage. "I would've thought you're a cop, or a drill sergeant, or a...punk rocker." I finish, still giggling slightly.

"Are you going to buy something, or just stand here ridiculing me?" I can tell it's hard for him not to curse. They probably don't let him.

"I'll have a cappuccino...please." I tack on the last bit, just because it's fun to watch him type on the cash register. He's so....subservient.

"That'll be $3.50. Ma'am." He glowers at me.

"Who's the barista, Terezi?" I joke.

Then he saunters out from the back room, notices me, and gives a wink.

"Gamzee?" I shake my head. "Gamzee?

Gamzee winks at me as he starts making my coffee. "What brought you all up in here to be, sister?" 

"I don't-I don't even know what you're saying." I frown. "Karkat, is he high?"

Karkat makes an angry shushing noise while Gamzee just smiles loopily in my direction.

I shake my head disapprovingly, but I don't really know what I expected. Last night, Gamzee was obviously sailing high as a kite. That can't be healthy.

"One motherfucking cappuccino bin' done made for my wicked sister such like a motherfucking miracle." He gives it to Karkat, who slams it on the counter in front of me.

I have no words for this. What is he even saying. Words. From his mouth. I don't understand.

"Thanks." I manage, handing the money to Karkat and taking the drink, cradling the warmth in my cold hands.

The cash register is slammed closed loudly, and I realize I'm just sort of standing there. There isn't anyone behind me, but it's still sort of weird.

"Do you want anything else?" Karkat asks through gritted teeth. This is obviously degrading for him.

"Yeah. Um. No." I look away, chewing the inside of my mouth. Suddenly I don't really want to sit alone anymore. "When's your break?"

He blinks several times, confusion clouding his visage. "What? Why?"

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